Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Business need analysis Questions

 Sure! Here are some business need analysis questions with a suggested format:

  1. What problem are you trying to solve? 
    • Describe the issue or challenge in a sentence or two.
  2. Who is affected by the problem?
    • Identify the stakeholders or groups of people who are impacted by the problem.
  3. How does the problem affect these stakeholders?
    • Describe the consequences of the problem for each stakeholder group.
  4. What are the root causes of the problem?
    • Identify the underlying factors that contribute to the problem.
  5. What solutions have been tried before, and what were the results?
    • Describe any previous attempts to address the problem and its outcomes.
  6. What resources are currently available to address the problem?
    • List the tools, technologies, and human resources that are currently available to address the problem.
  7. What additional resources are needed to address the problem effectively?
    • Identify the resources that are required to solve the problem and explain why they are necessary.
  8. What are the risks and benefits of addressing the problem?
    • Describe the potential risks and benefits associated with implementing a solution to the problem.
  9. What are the short-term and long-term impacts of the problem?
    • Describe the immediate and future consequences of not addressing the problem.
  10. What is the priority level of the problem?
    • Determine the urgency and importance of the problem, and explain why it is a high priority for the business.

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