Monday, December 12, 2016

Parenting: The way you choose!!!

Hello friends! We humans right from childhood are fond of stories and novels. So, before starting my article I would like to share one story with you which I read recently.

There was a family that had gone to a hotel for dinner. A polite and gentle waiter came to take order. So, he first asked to small child, what will you take, sir? Before that child speaks his father spoke he is suffering from cold. That child keeps silent. So, waiter again asks with politeness, what will you take sir? Now, this time mom took her turn. She said instead of eating he will spread everywhere. That child again keeps silent.  So, waiter again asked with politeness, what will you take sir? Now both mom and dad got frustrated but with distracted voice, child dared to speak, “one chocolate ice cream.” Then waiter went. After that, small kid slowly murmured, “At least he is the one who took me seriously.”

 A short but very touching story. Knowingly or unknowingly this is happening in our family. As a parent, we always want to develop our child with our thoughts, our experience and sometimes unknowingly, we are ruthlessly destroying their wings that are born to fly high. Being a parent, we don’t do it intentionally. We think that the mistakes which we had committed in our childhood must not be repeated by our children. Inadvertently, here we are doing the small mistake. Let’s go in a flashback before 30 years when parents were kids. At that time, may be the situations were different and no one is aware about the future. Now as we are talking about flashback would any child like to be imposed by the thoughts or rules of our parents? Obviously not.  As a parent, we always want to develop our child in the same manner as we have been developed.

In the above example, parents were worrying about his health as he was suffering from cold. And as he was a kid, it may be possible that he doesn’t have any idea regarding what to eat and what to avoid. In such circumstances you can advice give suggestions but not even allowing him to speak once is making your own child your puppet!!

Sometimes, we are expecting a miracle from our child or we are thinking that they are robots and they will follow our each and every command. We never try to see the world from their perspective. My mom always said, when I was kid at that time I used to cry and never mix up with my other cousin. I preferred living alone with my mom and was more of introvert type of person. Now if I imagine that scene, then I am amused. If I was having this type of behavior then I can’t expect something miracle from my child. I am the product of the 20th century and trying to survive in 21st century whereas this generation belongs from 21st century where technology is at peak. Let your children be the gift of your encouragement not the product of your mistake. Encourage them to be what they are born to become not what you want them to become. This is a sign of 21st century parent!!

Lastly I would like to conclude with one thought, “you can’t expect a miracle from children by insulting and criticizing them. Simply make them feel loved and treat them precious you will definitely find a hidden star in them”. It’s all upon you which way you choose!

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