Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Take Responsibility for Your Growth

Responsibility for your professional development lies squarely on your shoulders. No matter your situation, use these tips to keep sharp:

Meet with two former coworkers each month. Talk about your industry and where it is headed. This will keep you tapped into the community.

Have one major learning experience each quarter. If your work isn't giving you the necessary challenges, seek out other oppor tunities. Volunteer for a nonprofit, attend a conference, or take a class.

Give yourself a performance review. Reflect on your growth and performance, whether through a formal process or not. Be honest with yourself about your strengths and weaknesses and what you should focus on in the coming year.

Source: book management tips Harvard Business Review 


  1. Very rightly said.Its our own responsibility for our growth and being honest with ourself is the key to review and lead the growth.
