Friday, April 24, 2020

Profit from the Core

Jack Trout said in The Power of Simplicity, "One of our biggest business problems is that we offer too many products and services at too many different price points, to too many different customers in too many different markets."

When Steve Jobs returned to Apple in 1996, the company was producing 104 different products and was in serious financecial trouble. The company had only enough cash to last for another ninety days. One of the first things that Jobs did was announce that Apple was discontinuing 100 of those 104 products, as quickly as possible. By doing so, he freed up financial resources and personnel (engineers and developers) to focus on the "next big thing," which turned out to be the iPod.

The rest is history. Within a few years, Apple was the mos valuable company in the world.

Focus and concentration on your greatest opportunities and areas of highest profit potential have always been the keys to financial success in business.

Source : Book Busines Strategy by  Brian Tracy