Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Book Review: The Magic by Rhonda Byrne

The Magic by Rhonda Byrne. I picked this book up a few days ago and it immediately captured my ‘Mind’ as it arrived just when I needed it. While its author, Rhonda Byrne, is best known for her first book, the global phenomenon, The Secret, I can honestly say that I think this book is much better. It not only drills deeper, but has many excellent exercises one can do to improve their life and mental well-being.

Under the Cover
Here are just a few of the things you’ll discover in the pages of the book, The Magic:

The power of counting your blessings and not your problems

How to achieve magical relationships and employ forgiveness

Simple, yet effective ways to set goals and get started on them right away

How to attract better people, situations and opportunities into your life

Why positive thinking and gratitude are the magic combination to greater happiness

Effective ways to deal with setbacks in life and how to keep moving forward

Here’s a great quote from the book on page 15:

“Gratitude can magically turn your relationships into joyful and meaningful relationships, no matter what state they are in now.” 
                                     – Rhonda Byrne

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