Saturday, October 22, 2016

What are the five most important things for a man to learn in life?

  1. The greatest legacy you can leave your kids is confidence to tackle any adversity with a smile. Make them realize it regularly.
  2. The girl has left her family to be your wife and your kids’ mother. Never forget that. Remember that especially when the flame seems dimmed.
  3. It’s not necessary to be a big shot to earn respect. Doing regular things with passion and love is usually more than enough. Be it family, or company, or whatever.
  4. For your kids, you will be the role model even if you are a gangster. So, never cursethem for becoming one.
  5. When you and family cannot afford an expensive desire, laugh it away, and relish whatever alternative you can. Togetherness will be the ladder to cross every insurmountable hurdle of life.
Go ahead. Be a man!


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