Thursday, September 22, 2016

How to stop over thinking and take necessary actions?

21st century- century that is rapidly dominated by technology. Technology is advancing with time and is known as world’s fastest developing field. Yes, we all agree with it that there is no limit to technology. Each day a new invention, a new development that leads to the digital world. Technology is just unbeatable isn’t it? Well, if you ask me this question I would confidently say “NO”. Technology is beatable! The creator behind this marvelous technology is none other than the world’s powerful, super fast tool called “Human Brain”. So there is no doubt that human brain can beat technology if we use this god made tool wisely. For that Kindly follow the below 3 steps.

1   GIVE THE RIGHT COMMAND- GET THE RIGHT RESULT: Just imagine what will happen to the military troops if the army commander gives a wrong command or order to this battalion? Will the troops be able to take the correct action? Obviously not. The most probable reason as to why some people cannot get rid of over thinking and are unable to take necessary actions because they have already give a wrong input to their computer. If you are going to sit ideal busy in killing the time instead of utilizing it then you are surely on the way to become a devils workshop. It is scientifically observed that ideal mind is inclined to over thinking. This over thinking is in a haywire direction and has no connection with your results. Whereas when you give the right command to your brain something like, “I want to focus on major aspects of my life” then you are unknowingly guiding your brain to a productive output. It’s simple. If you give one wrong command to your brain or even if you give no command, your computer will surely hang over certain time whereas if you give a single right command, your computer will align itself in such a way that it will garner all its energies and focus in a direction that you want.

2.      “FOCUS” ON CIRCLE OF INFLUENCE : Having an entire collection of talents is not important, giving a proper direction to that talent is most important. The same way when you have given the right command to your brain to “focus” then further you also need to clarify as “where” to focus. Over thinking is focus without direction that is why we say that over thinking leads nowhere. Well, life is a game of two circles. One which is out of our control called “circle of concern” the other which is in our control called “circle of influence”. The fact lies here that circle of influence often vanishes circle of concern. Let me show you the difference between the two. If you are an employee of the international company and find it difficult to attain fluency in English then that your circle of concern. When you are committed to read newspaper articles, magazines and show enormous amount of curiosity to improvise your vocabulary then that’s your circle of influence. If you are an average student and are worried regarding your failure in mathematics then that’s your circle of concern whereas when you have focused your mind on learning from your mistakes and practicing solved examples of mathematics on daily basis is your circle of influence. If you are in a relationship and are worried over some ups and downs in your understanding then that’s you circle of concern whereas when you have set your focus on accepting the weaknesses and appreciating the strengths then that’s your circle of influence. Friends when you have set your eyes on your goal and your mind on “what you can do” automatically you stop giving outside excuses and ultimately enhance your efficiency and resourcefulness.

3.     THE 80-20 PRINCIPLE: Once you have given the right command to focus on what you can do, you have already won the half game of life. To win the rest of the game you need to be more strategic. You need to apply “the 80-20 principle”. 80-20 principle is nothing but the art of getting more from less!! Human brain is designed in such way that when it comes to taking actions we believe that “more actions” lead to “more success”. Well, to reveal the truth is that 80% of our results are only because of our 20% efforts. Yes! this principle was researched and analyzed by pareto –an English economist hence known as the pareto principle. It is applicable to almost every walk of our lives like 20% of our efforts significantly bring the 80% of what we desire, 20% people are responsible for 80% crime, 20% car drivers are responsible for 80% accidents, 20% marriages are responsible for 80% divorces and many more. This means you should focus only on those actions which will lead to more outcomes. Identify those 20% actions which lead to 80% of your results. You need to keep in mind that these 20% actions should be on your high priority list. After doing this you will experience that your thinking will neither be over nor less, in fact thinking will be executed in to actions and moreover “result producing actions”.

Practicing these 3 steps in your life will ensure that your mind, heart and actions will be in harmony with each other. Your mind will command, your heart will follow and your actions will produce “extraordinary results”. Yes you are worth it !

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