Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Art of living

Today’s world is so fast. World is changes so quickly, in just a blink of eye, one can see the change. Each and every one is forgetting what life is and how to live it. There is a saying that “Everyone is living life but true life is that live which is his own will”.
Today each and everyone is so busy in their life. Nobody is bothering for their personal life and also not bothering what others are doing though he/she is his/her sibling. Today we are living a life as a robot, working on a same function. As we are getting to attached to technology or making a distance from our loved once like family and friend then we are inviting a life that only give us loneliness. It might be possible that due to good study or good marks we can get good package, good salary but we are not thinking for us, just thinking for I. If as a father prospective , he is thinking his son or daughter want  good marks in exam and want to make a good life but he is not thinking that it might possible that if he got the new job and then he would get the job at abroad and he hasn’t time for his family. So, it’s a big question that what we want?
Another thing is today everyone is busy with their own life, nobody have a time. Sometimes there is a big question that a businessman who is managing 100 Cr. Business has a same 24 hours as normal men have. He can manage 100 Cr. Business in a single day where we are not managing our life within 24 hours. Start by looking at “the big picture true”. Ask yourself how you will spend your time over the course of an average workday. There are 24 precious hours in a day. Many people allocate their time unconsciously, which means they don’t plan their activities- they let other people and circumstances dictate how they spend their time. Don’t let be this with us. Decide how your ideal day should look; then do what you can do to make it happen. There will be plenty of occasions when you have to forsake your daily schedule because of some opportunity or emergency, but by the large, you want to stick to the same daily schedule.
Sometimes due to busy schedule, we even not bother about our physic, mental peace. Due to this, sometime we take unnecessary decision that we don’t want. Today’s generation don’t want to face the “Struggle”. STRUGGLE is the name of the every game. Every successful person in their life’s, began their journey as a struggle. But the fact remains same that no matter how much you have achieved and where you have arrived, the struggle never seems to end. If we are talking about what today youth wants the answer is “FAME”, they want to be a Famous. There is an epidemic of fame obsessed youngsters between the ages of 15 and 25, who wrongly believe that becoming famous is a shortcut to wealth and eternal happiness. But let me tell you that nothing worth having comes that easily. If I am talking about Amitabh Bachchan, he is not a super star from day one. He also gave 17 Super Flop film in his beginning. We can pick any famous personality, we can see everyone faced “struggle” in their life though he is Amitabh Bachchan, Sachin Tendulkar, Shahrukh khan or Charli Cheplin.
Fame is not easy to handle. There are also some normal people who turn into monsters overnight. “First you struggle to attain and then you struggle to retain". “Struggle”, That's the name of the game”.  Fame is scary. The more you have, the more you need, and the more you have to lose. That's really tough to handle. So, there is a big question and that is “how to handle this unpredictable terrain”,and answer is also simple  “enjoy it” because it won't last. Get the best experiences you can gain from it, because the celebrity status can bring great privileges and unbelievable opportunities. But don't think its forever. It's not!
Sometimes some people are on the top of the career but due to some circumstances they choose a big steps or we can say a shortcut to moved out from struggle or pain i.e., “SUSIDE”. What can be so intolerable, so unpalatable and so unforgettable that one has to commit suicide to forget it? And how are you certain that death will end the pain? What if the only thing that death does obliterate is the faintest glimmer of hope? According to Mr. Shive khera, “Suside is  a permanent solution for a temporary situation” there is a big question, why today’s youth not realize the importance of life? Why did they forget to look over the hill at the rising sun just waiting to break through the dark clouds? There is no greater sin than that of suicide because you are kicking God’s gift of life in the face and proving you are not worth it. If you believe in afterlife and rebirth, books on the subject suggest that people who quit life voluntarily without learning their life lessons are bound to be born to such lives again and again till the lesson is learnt. .
Life is not always easy and it is the duty of parents to ground their children and instill values that will help them deal with the tougher moments. And, it is our duty to ourselves that we learn to accept the brickbats with the bouquets, that we learn to deal with difficulties just as we enjoy the benefits of life and living. There is no greater cowardice than enjoying your spot in the sun and quitting the stage the moment life gets a little rough.
For Suside, there is a big reason and that is Expectation. We never teach our children how to face failure. What we can learn from failure. In today’s scenario if someone face failure then we are bombarding to that person with all sides. We all try to give advice to that person as if we are an extra ordinary person and never face failure in a life. If both young and old generation live together and passes the thoughts with each other than life become awesome. We have a lots of things  because “To be old is to have less time before you and more mistakes behind and because of that have a great experience where for new generation have a lots of time to do something new.
We are leaving a life for us, only or else only for our family but if we leaving a life for others  then there is different enjoyment of life. According to me try to make smile on other’s face. Because that is a tuff thing to do. Tragedy is silence and is easy to hurt or make cry but comedy is difficult because when a person try to make other laugh, laughter is physical, first you have to physically smile, stretch your cheeks then he has to be more comical to show his teeth, then make sound. So, one has to that strong power to create a smile to another
Try to live our own life don’t want to become somebody else. Take some inspiration from your idle but don’t copy or follow them blindly.
This topic is endless topic. How to live life but if we care some of the points then it’s to live our life.
1.             Live for others.
2.             If you are taking a decision and if it hurts other but that decision is good for both he as well as you then take it in such a way that it will good for both.
3.             You don’t know after this life, you again get the chance to live as a human. So, grape this opportunity and perform your best.
4.            Always give 100% to your work, Because 110% is not possible. You can not add 110 ml water in 100 ml bottle.:-)
5.             Live life as if today is your last day.
6.       Built a best relationship at least with once apart from your mother, wife, husband, father. With whom you can share your life’s good as well as bad experience.
7.             Don’t try to prove or listen others where you do something really well for them.
8.             Be honest, work hard & smart, you will never go wrong
9.   If If you have a character, then reputation always follow, if you have only reputation  then character may not follow. Popularity and respect are two different things. Rahul Mahajan is also popular but  do we respect him?
11.        It is not true that if u see the more Diwali, then u can celebrate the Diwali.

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