Monday, July 11, 2016

Immortal Faith

Hello friends! First of all, a very warm welcome and greetings to you. I Mr. Rahul Revne , is back again with some motivational stories and life changing articles that will surely evoke a ray of hope and undoubtedly flood of unshakeable faith in your hearts. Today I will present before you an article with a true story of a man, more familiarly known as “The miracle man”.

Today that we are  “living”  most preferably “surviving” in this 21st century life is described as monotonous and we humans as ideal machines. In this journey of life some people succeed while some blame their circumstances, some listen to their inner voice while some follow the crowd. Whether you are counted in the list of the fortune 500 or in the list of people who strive for their daily bread, life continuous to be a permanent tragedy. Problems are ought to be the part and parcel of life. As it is rightly said, “if the almighty has locked the doors , then he also has the keys to unlock them”.
Do you know that where are all the keys to your problems hidden? The keys to your problem are hidden in the “3 gems of life”. Now certainly your question will be what are the 3 gems of life? Well if you ask this to a catholic he will say “the holy bible”. A muslim will say “the holy quran” and a hindu will say “ shreemad bhagvad gita”. These are the evergreen jewels of life whose laws never faint or rust and shall hold true for the generations to come.
A real life story always seems to be more appealing than just huge philosophical sentences. So now I will narrate a real life incident that took place and this story will surely enable you to believe in these 3 jewels.
Once upon a time a dreadful or you can say life changing incident took place in a persons life. A person named Morris Goodman crashed the air plane on 10th march 1981. That was really a terrible one as he was paralyzed below his neck. His neck vertebrae in medical terminology called as cervical vertebrae were completely damaged. He had lost his control over his body as he was not able to make any leg or hand movements. He was unable to have his food on his own. Life had took him to such a stage where he couldn’t even breathe by himself. You all might be thinking that such a man who is devoid of a single body part in his control has no hope for living.  But this man had desire in him to live. Where all doctors said that he would never be able to walk again he refused to believe in the doctors. He listened to his heart. The raging faith in his heart shouted within, “ I will walk out of this hospital this Christmas on my own feet”.
I would like to present the dialogue of lord shri krishna that he had told to the great warrior of pandavas called ARJUN.
“satvanurupa sarvasya shraddha bhavati bharata,
Shraddhamayo yam puruso yo yac chraddaha sa yev sah”.
Which means the faith of everyone comes according to the perceptions of mind. O arjuna the living personality is nothing but embodiment of faith. One is identified by whatever faith one has. Mr. morris goodman had a faith that he will walk on his feet by this Christmas which enabled him to make the necessary efforts. The expert faculty of doctors  suggested for a 9 hour long operation and also advised that out of the  100 only 1 could survive. The doctors asked whether he was ready to take risk. If yes please blink your eyes.  Mr. goodman blinked his eyes in sheer faith.  Mr. Morris Goodman was that 1 out of 100. He came out successfully through this operation. Once he heard a recording of a motivational speaker, Mr. zig ziglar saying that “when you turn on a light switch, you don’t create electric power but you simply release the power that is there all the time”. Mr. goodman reached deep within to summon that power!   After operation every time the respirator took a breath for him, he tried to inhale on his own. First he tried to inhale 100 then 200 then 300 and finally he was breathing without a respirator. Now this was a completely astonishing situation for doctors as well as the nurses. He began with some finger movements as his daily exercise. He began to move his arms and feet after a long series of practice and perseverance. He also focused on relearning motor skills. He was given different shaped pegs and holes. A particular shaped peg is to be kept in an appropriate shaped hole. In the beginning, the game seemed very easy but when he actually started it, it was a painstaking task for him!
But he did not quit even when there was no sign of success.
During his practice, he faced many obstacles, many challenges. He also faced some wicked comments by his ward mates of the hospital. But he did not lose faith. He was so much filled in faith that even the bitter tasting tablets did not fade his belief. The holy Quran also has its own word to say,
“lose not heart nor fall into despair for you will be superior if you are true in faith”.
This man who had made a commitment to walk on his own feet this Christmas was overwhelming with faith day by day. He wholeheartedly believed that he can walk. And so he did! As the December arrived, this man was no more a person who can only blink his eyes but an outstanding example who can walk in the wards amidst the patients without any support. He had started a  new chapter of life. He was the only ray of hope for the patients to work towards recovery.
A patient who had fallen off from a ladder was said by a doctor that he would  be a quadriplegic who would be paralyzed for all four limbs.
But he gained his motivation from Mr. goodman. The patient believed that “if you put your mind to it, then nothing is impossible”. And that patient recovered from his paralysis and walks absolutely normal. He offered his gratefulness to Mr. goodman.
This is no less than a miracle! Isn’t it? Look what a great difference a faith can do. Faith is beyond your intelligence. When thousands say a loud “no” to you, faith says more louder “yes” to you. Whatever you believe you become. Today the worlds need is not a professional doctor with huge degrees but a doctor who can light the flame of faith unto his patients. The world of technology is lacking engineers who have faith in doing the impossible and business world is in an urgent need for an entrepreneur who not only works with his employees but also boasts them in faith so that great leaders can be created …. And not mere followers!! There are many verses on faith in the holy bible among which one of them is given below,
“If you have faith as small as the mustard seed you can say to this mountain, “move from here to there” and it will move
Nothing will be impossible for you”.
I would like to sum up by a thought that when you have hope in your heart, there will be faith  and where there is faith, miracles happen. Always have an immortal faith in you before yearning for fame. Because when you are filled in faith, you will be a miracle ….. and not a mistake!!!

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