Sunday, July 3, 2016

Ayurvedic Treatment For Diabetes

India  a  country  known  for  its  rich  tradition  and  heritage.  Where  people  bow  their  head  in reverence  when  they  meet  each  other  as  they  see  the  divine  in  every  living  creature. It is India where great epics like Ramayana and Mahabharata took place. It is India where the concept of “zero” originated. India is the origin of ayurveda – use of Indian herbs. Yoga – the art of living has its roots embedded deep in the fertile soil of India.  
Today in this 21st century if we look around India has turned into a land of hazardous diseases. Hypertension, thyroid, osteoarthritis, infertility and the most dangerous of all is diabetes. Diabetes, madhumeh as called in ayurveda is a condition wherein the beta cells of pancreas fail to produce insulin which leads to uncontrolled blood sugar level. People with diabetes show symptoms like frequent urination, frequent thirst, loss of appetite, kidney problems, unclear vision, head ache. The major reason behind diabetes is sugar.  Was sugar first manufactured by India? How did sugar come into India? All your questions will be answered shortly.  Sugar has not origin in India. In fact such concept of sugar did not even exist. Sugar – the precursor to around 103 diseases made its way to India along with Britishers.
Earlier when Britishers started their factories of sugar no Indian used to buy sugar from them. They used to have jaggery in all their sweet dishes. But since the sugar factories were running over production they decided to sell it out free of cost to all the Indians.  And we Indians are born with a tendency which permits us to buy a poison when sold free! Slowly as time passed by we became used to adding sugar in our daily beverages like tea and coffee and soon the word “jaggary” got lost from our dictionaries.
And today Indian is known to be the house of diabetes. In every 2 seconds there is a death of diabetic patient and the count of diabetes is estimated to reach 4 crore and more after some years. 

 Can anyone tell me what are the advantages of having sugar in your daily diet?
·         Sugar contains sucrose which is highly indigestible.
·         Sugar is devoid of essential minerals like iron, magnesium, manganese, calcium, etc.
·         Sugar contains no vitamins.
·         Sugar has high calories.

If sugar has no advantages then why are we increasing our intake?  Eating sugar will do nothing good than inviting diabetes and many other diseases. Instead of eating sugar you also have a wise option which will not only add sweetness to your food but also nourish your health. Yes, jiggery is anytime a good option. It contains essential vitamins and minerals like calcium, manganese, magnesium, iron. Also it is a supplement used to increase hemoglobin. Vitamins like vitamin A, B vitamin K are enriched in jiggery. It’s a natural and healthy way to add sweetness to your food.

Diabetes can also be kept in control by a natural or ayurvedic method. This medicine is homemade and will barely cost 25 to 30 rupees.
Methodology to prepare this medicine is given in some steps.

INGREDIENTS: Bay leaf{ tejpatta}100 gm, fenugreek powder{ methi powder}100 gm, black plum{jamun} 150 gms, bilva leaves{ bel patra}250 gms.
1.       Dry all the ingredients in hot sun.
2.       Churn all ingredients in powder form.
3.       Mix all of them and have it with warm water.

The best time to have this medicine is one hour before morning breakfast and dinner. This medicine is time tested medicine as it has proved to be effective since thousands of years. This medicine has been known to India since the time of Vedas and Upanishads. But it’s unfortunate to see we  Indians losing our belief in ayurveda. If all diabetic patients have a high fiber – low fat diet with this ayurveda medicine their diabetes will surely be in control and that too this will have no side effects.  Also preparing this will take some time but it will last for 3 months long in just 25 to 30 rupees.


Source: Rajeev Dixit Video

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