Sunday, July 31, 2016

Reading Habits

In one of his speech, Mr. Harsha Bhogle said that a lot of people believe that they are ambitious. All of us are convinced that we practice excellence. We all are working for excellence, isn’t it? What is the true definition of excellence? If you are waiting for my definition then my answer is I don’t know. I guess we all have a different definition of excellence. Now the main question is that how to achieve excellence. You may reply, it comes from experience, and how we will get best from experience because experience also goes with two types of people. I.e., Successful and unsuccessful.  If we are talking about successful then your answer may be knowledge. A successful person gains experience through knowledge. Now again, if I ask, how to get knowledge then the answer is Reading…Reading and Reading. To make things more simple and straight as failure is a stepping stone to success, similarly reading is the first step to excellence.

Someone nicely said that, “Not reading any book is like to live a life like a blind”. Everyone knows that; and some people also started reading at one juncture of life. It is also a fact that they also quit the same. Fortunately I met this type of people in my life. After listening their reply, I was amused. I received replies like, “I like to read, I also started the same, but when I pick a book, after some time I feel drowsy”. In reply I questioned them that how many times you read the book.  And the predictable reply was, “Only Once”. You can ask to yourself also.

Now the main question is that why it is happening with many people. Why they fail to convert it into a habit? The answer is giving-up at the earliest and not knowing the right method. Just observe any person or yourself, how you develop other habits like dance, cricket, singing, traveling, etc.  Answer is “Interest” and how you develop the interest, your reply would be whenever you are observing your near and dear ones is enjoying their life with that habit you will automatically get inclined to do so. So as you also want to experience the joy and pleasure that others are enjoying you too start thinking over it. And gradually you develop the interest for the same. My friends, as you read about how you develop interest a question may arise in your mind that developing sporty habits like cricket, badminton, dancing, singing, traveling is very easy as they are more appealing but reading!!! Reading is a hobby of handful of people and in addition reading is a boring task indeed. Friends, we live in a country where billions of people live. But only a handful of them have tasted success! If you want to be amongst that handful, you have to stop following the crowd and develop yourself. If you are worried about how boring it will be then I have a small but life changing thought for you which comes from Vedas “Yatha Drishti Tatha Shrihti”. If you look at books only for the sake of studying then it will undoubtedly be boring for you but if you change your vision from studying to “Learning” you will live your life to the fullest. Well I think knowing this fact has completely changed your attitude towards reading. But only right attitude won’t create loud applause. You need one more thing to applaud louder I.e. right skills. My friends you are now standing on “I want to” let’s move one step ahead on “how to”.

Let’s see the process:

1.Start with vernacular language: It has been observed that as the English is ruling over other languages, so, everyone wants to start with English book. It’s advisable that if you are Gujarati and lacking proper command on English then start with some good Gujarati books. Now days, many English books have been translated in vernacular languages. So, you can start with it. 

2How to start? We always are in dilemma that we want to read but the main question is that how to start. It has been observed that generally we are selecting any books referred by others and after reading one or two pages we stop to read further and next time we never try again. So we can start with Novel or we can go with our interest. If our interest is in finance then we can start with book like ‘Rich dad Poor Dad’, if your liking is motivation then you can start with ‘You can win’, ‘Think and Grow Rich’, ‘Over the Top’, and there are many more books available in motivation, If you are a businessman then you can read ‘Stay Hungry Stay Foolish’, ‘Idli orchid and will power’ and others.

3.Know your ‘On’ times: When a person is focused and energetic, one can make anything possible. Read your book when you are most energetic and focused. At this time you can grasp better and implement better in your daily routine.

4.BREAK DOWN YOUR READING TASK: If you don’t have a habit of reading then do not force yourself to read hundred pages a day. You can start with one or two page daily and gradually you can increase the pages. This will give you a sense of satisfaction and also keep you goal oriented.

5.FIND YOUR IDEAL ENVIRONMENT: Fetch a place where you can gather all your energies and stream it in a proper direction. So that all your concentration is only into the book.  When you do this you will literally find solutions to your daily life problems. You will also practice it in your daily life.

6.BREAKS ARE A MUST: Your concentration and comprehension will improve when you read for 30 minutes with a break in between. You will feel more focused and enthusiastic when you add this to your reading time.

7.Summary: It’s better to make summary of chapters or books. It will help you to increase your level of understanding and will be stored in your mind for a long while. Even if sometimes you feel low or down you don’t have to read that book again you can find your motivation in the summary which you had written.

At the end, I would like to correlate the reading habit with nature. When you sow a seed into the soil the seed has to face many obstacles that detain it from reaping. Sometimes the seed does not get fertile soil. Sometimes birds or other animals destroy the seed which enable it to grow. Moreover a heavy rainfall also damages the seed completely. But the seed that has overcome all these obstacles in the beginning has to reap and harvest good fruit at the end. The small seedling then nurtures further into a sapling then a plant and finally into a strong and tall tree. Not only this much but under this tree many people find their rest, many birds find their shelter, and animals find their food. People who are beginners of reading are just like the seeds. In the beginning you will feel this work to be tiring and difficult. You will also have a battle with your own mind when it comes about concentrating on the book or you may also decide to drop this idea and get into your daily habit but hold on! Adversaries come to make you and not to break you! Just have patience with yourself and carry on your daily reading habit with a new enthusiasm and strength. Once you got over it, you will be like a tree –happy within and a source of happiness to others also!   SO KEEP READING AND GROWING WITH LIFE !

Monday, July 11, 2016

Immortal Faith

Hello friends! First of all, a very warm welcome and greetings to you. I Mr. Rahul Revne , is back again with some motivational stories and life changing articles that will surely evoke a ray of hope and undoubtedly flood of unshakeable faith in your hearts. Today I will present before you an article with a true story of a man, more familiarly known as “The miracle man”.

Today that we are  “living”  most preferably “surviving” in this 21st century life is described as monotonous and we humans as ideal machines. In this journey of life some people succeed while some blame their circumstances, some listen to their inner voice while some follow the crowd. Whether you are counted in the list of the fortune 500 or in the list of people who strive for their daily bread, life continuous to be a permanent tragedy. Problems are ought to be the part and parcel of life. As it is rightly said, “if the almighty has locked the doors , then he also has the keys to unlock them”.
Do you know that where are all the keys to your problems hidden? The keys to your problem are hidden in the “3 gems of life”. Now certainly your question will be what are the 3 gems of life? Well if you ask this to a catholic he will say “the holy bible”. A muslim will say “the holy quran” and a hindu will say “ shreemad bhagvad gita”. These are the evergreen jewels of life whose laws never faint or rust and shall hold true for the generations to come.
A real life story always seems to be more appealing than just huge philosophical sentences. So now I will narrate a real life incident that took place and this story will surely enable you to believe in these 3 jewels.
Once upon a time a dreadful or you can say life changing incident took place in a persons life. A person named Morris Goodman crashed the air plane on 10th march 1981. That was really a terrible one as he was paralyzed below his neck. His neck vertebrae in medical terminology called as cervical vertebrae were completely damaged. He had lost his control over his body as he was not able to make any leg or hand movements. He was unable to have his food on his own. Life had took him to such a stage where he couldn’t even breathe by himself. You all might be thinking that such a man who is devoid of a single body part in his control has no hope for living.  But this man had desire in him to live. Where all doctors said that he would never be able to walk again he refused to believe in the doctors. He listened to his heart. The raging faith in his heart shouted within, “ I will walk out of this hospital this Christmas on my own feet”.
I would like to present the dialogue of lord shri krishna that he had told to the great warrior of pandavas called ARJUN.
“satvanurupa sarvasya shraddha bhavati bharata,
Shraddhamayo yam puruso yo yac chraddaha sa yev sah”.
Which means the faith of everyone comes according to the perceptions of mind. O arjuna the living personality is nothing but embodiment of faith. One is identified by whatever faith one has. Mr. morris goodman had a faith that he will walk on his feet by this Christmas which enabled him to make the necessary efforts. The expert faculty of doctors  suggested for a 9 hour long operation and also advised that out of the  100 only 1 could survive. The doctors asked whether he was ready to take risk. If yes please blink your eyes.  Mr. goodman blinked his eyes in sheer faith.  Mr. Morris Goodman was that 1 out of 100. He came out successfully through this operation. Once he heard a recording of a motivational speaker, Mr. zig ziglar saying that “when you turn on a light switch, you don’t create electric power but you simply release the power that is there all the time”. Mr. goodman reached deep within to summon that power!   After operation every time the respirator took a breath for him, he tried to inhale on his own. First he tried to inhale 100 then 200 then 300 and finally he was breathing without a respirator. Now this was a completely astonishing situation for doctors as well as the nurses. He began with some finger movements as his daily exercise. He began to move his arms and feet after a long series of practice and perseverance. He also focused on relearning motor skills. He was given different shaped pegs and holes. A particular shaped peg is to be kept in an appropriate shaped hole. In the beginning, the game seemed very easy but when he actually started it, it was a painstaking task for him!
But he did not quit even when there was no sign of success.
During his practice, he faced many obstacles, many challenges. He also faced some wicked comments by his ward mates of the hospital. But he did not lose faith. He was so much filled in faith that even the bitter tasting tablets did not fade his belief. The holy Quran also has its own word to say,
“lose not heart nor fall into despair for you will be superior if you are true in faith”.
This man who had made a commitment to walk on his own feet this Christmas was overwhelming with faith day by day. He wholeheartedly believed that he can walk. And so he did! As the December arrived, this man was no more a person who can only blink his eyes but an outstanding example who can walk in the wards amidst the patients without any support. He had started a  new chapter of life. He was the only ray of hope for the patients to work towards recovery.
A patient who had fallen off from a ladder was said by a doctor that he would  be a quadriplegic who would be paralyzed for all four limbs.
But he gained his motivation from Mr. goodman. The patient believed that “if you put your mind to it, then nothing is impossible”. And that patient recovered from his paralysis and walks absolutely normal. He offered his gratefulness to Mr. goodman.
This is no less than a miracle! Isn’t it? Look what a great difference a faith can do. Faith is beyond your intelligence. When thousands say a loud “no” to you, faith says more louder “yes” to you. Whatever you believe you become. Today the worlds need is not a professional doctor with huge degrees but a doctor who can light the flame of faith unto his patients. The world of technology is lacking engineers who have faith in doing the impossible and business world is in an urgent need for an entrepreneur who not only works with his employees but also boasts them in faith so that great leaders can be created …. And not mere followers!! There are many verses on faith in the holy bible among which one of them is given below,
“If you have faith as small as the mustard seed you can say to this mountain, “move from here to there” and it will move
Nothing will be impossible for you”.
I would like to sum up by a thought that when you have hope in your heart, there will be faith  and where there is faith, miracles happen. Always have an immortal faith in you before yearning for fame. Because when you are filled in faith, you will be a miracle ….. and not a mistake!!!

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Ayurvedic Treatment For Diabetes

India  a  country  known  for  its  rich  tradition  and  heritage.  Where  people  bow  their  head  in reverence  when  they  meet  each  other  as  they  see  the  divine  in  every  living  creature. It is India where great epics like Ramayana and Mahabharata took place. It is India where the concept of “zero” originated. India is the origin of ayurveda – use of Indian herbs. Yoga – the art of living has its roots embedded deep in the fertile soil of India.  
Today in this 21st century if we look around India has turned into a land of hazardous diseases. Hypertension, thyroid, osteoarthritis, infertility and the most dangerous of all is diabetes. Diabetes, madhumeh as called in ayurveda is a condition wherein the beta cells of pancreas fail to produce insulin which leads to uncontrolled blood sugar level. People with diabetes show symptoms like frequent urination, frequent thirst, loss of appetite, kidney problems, unclear vision, head ache. The major reason behind diabetes is sugar.  Was sugar first manufactured by India? How did sugar come into India? All your questions will be answered shortly.  Sugar has not origin in India. In fact such concept of sugar did not even exist. Sugar – the precursor to around 103 diseases made its way to India along with Britishers.
Earlier when Britishers started their factories of sugar no Indian used to buy sugar from them. They used to have jaggery in all their sweet dishes. But since the sugar factories were running over production they decided to sell it out free of cost to all the Indians.  And we Indians are born with a tendency which permits us to buy a poison when sold free! Slowly as time passed by we became used to adding sugar in our daily beverages like tea and coffee and soon the word “jaggary” got lost from our dictionaries.
And today Indian is known to be the house of diabetes. In every 2 seconds there is a death of diabetic patient and the count of diabetes is estimated to reach 4 crore and more after some years. 

 Can anyone tell me what are the advantages of having sugar in your daily diet?
·         Sugar contains sucrose which is highly indigestible.
·         Sugar is devoid of essential minerals like iron, magnesium, manganese, calcium, etc.
·         Sugar contains no vitamins.
·         Sugar has high calories.

If sugar has no advantages then why are we increasing our intake?  Eating sugar will do nothing good than inviting diabetes and many other diseases. Instead of eating sugar you also have a wise option which will not only add sweetness to your food but also nourish your health. Yes, jiggery is anytime a good option. It contains essential vitamins and minerals like calcium, manganese, magnesium, iron. Also it is a supplement used to increase hemoglobin. Vitamins like vitamin A, B vitamin K are enriched in jiggery. It’s a natural and healthy way to add sweetness to your food.

Diabetes can also be kept in control by a natural or ayurvedic method. This medicine is homemade and will barely cost 25 to 30 rupees.
Methodology to prepare this medicine is given in some steps.

INGREDIENTS: Bay leaf{ tejpatta}100 gm, fenugreek powder{ methi powder}100 gm, black plum{jamun} 150 gms, bilva leaves{ bel patra}250 gms.
1.       Dry all the ingredients in hot sun.
2.       Churn all ingredients in powder form.
3.       Mix all of them and have it with warm water.

The best time to have this medicine is one hour before morning breakfast and dinner. This medicine is time tested medicine as it has proved to be effective since thousands of years. This medicine has been known to India since the time of Vedas and Upanishads. But it’s unfortunate to see we  Indians losing our belief in ayurveda. If all diabetic patients have a high fiber – low fat diet with this ayurveda medicine their diabetes will surely be in control and that too this will have no side effects.  Also preparing this will take some time but it will last for 3 months long in just 25 to 30 rupees.


Source: Rajeev Dixit Video

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Lesson to learn from movie - Nil Battey Sannata

Living in this 21st century we can undoubtedly come to a conclusion that nothing in this world is stagnant or you can say the world never comes to a standstill. Everybody and everything is running behind something or the other. The time runs to complete the day, the earth revolves to complete a year and we run to fulfill our dreams! Isn’t it? The missile man of India late Mr. A.P.J Abdul kalam had mentioned the right definition of dreams.
“Dreams are not those come in your sleep
Dreams are those that don’t let you sleep”.

This shows what kind of passion, devotion and of course dedication that is required to fulfill your dreams. But nowadays people synonymously use the word “dream” with “money”. To dream high is the only right of a rich brat and not those who barely have a hope to fill their hunger. Many people you might have come across force their children to change their dream just because they are not capable enough financially to fulfill his or her child’s dream. Now give me a chance to vanish all your misconceptions, miseries and doubts regarding dreams and I am sure enough that after you end up reading my article, which is on the base of movie “Neel Batte Sannata”. You will have a completely new and a positive approach towards your dreams.
There was woman named Chanda who was a maid in a metropolitan city. He worked from her fingers to bones day and night only to meet the two ends. She worked in houses where she cleaned utensils, washed cloths, swiped the floor and everything which she could do in the allotted time to gain a good amount at the end of the month. She had a daughter named Apeksha who barely had any sort of interest in schooling and studying. She believed that to dream high, to become a doctor, engineer or an IAS or IPS you need money in your pockets.
She had passed her 9th grade with passing marks and now she was promoted to 10th grade. She was a student who looked at mathematics carrying a big question mark on her head. Maid chanda who was her mother did not want to see her as a maid. She wanted that her child should walk one step ahead of the world. Chanda had tried explaining all sorts of solutions to her daughter to improvise her performance. But to no avail, she continued to stay back with her notorious circle of friends to enjoy the back bench!  With all her efforts failing to help out her daughter she went to very optimistic women where she worked as a maid. This woman was a doctor who was not only a huge degree holder but also a person with huge heart. She advised chanda to join a mathematics class to her daughter. The very next day she went to ask about the class but the professor gave her a challenging offer. To have a discount in the fee her daughter has to score more than 50% in mathematics. She had a word with her daughter and her daughter threw all possible tantrums and found excuses to escape from this situation. She refused to join this class. She again told the entire scenario to the doctor woman. The wise woman advised her to join the school as a student so that you can understand things and explain it to your daughter. Now this was a completely astonishing and of course unrealistic.

But to make her daughter realize the importance of study she made the impossible to happen. Hearing this eye popping news, her daughter tapped her hands and feet just to force and compel her mother to not take the admission in her school. This would be a shameful situation she exclaimed. Despite of the daughter’s denial she asked the principal as well as the managing directors to admit her in this school. And her first step proved to be successful when they said “yes” to her admission. Neither Chanda and nor Apeksha let students know that she was her mother. But Chanda being fearless of all the laughter and jokes that students cracked on her. She eagerly and unknowingly took her seat on the first bench with a student who was well versed with maths. He was the topper of the class. He too belonged from a mediocre family. Once when Chanda saw that he had no Tiffin in the lunch time, she offered him her tiffin. He replied that he won’t eat it without giving the return instead he will teach her maths in which he was expert. With every passing day as chanda tried to learn more maths, she started gaining interest in this subject. She slowly moved towards success. Moreover when the results were out she had scored pretty good marks in her paper. Everybody including the teachers, classmates all was happy looking at her performance except her very own daughter. She started hating her mother as she was gaining more attention from all.

She came back home and fought and screamed on her mother only to see her shed drops of tears. Apeksha challenged her mother that she would bring more than 50% in her exam, then she must left the school. Chanda ‘s eyes twinkled with new hope seeing that her daughter has finally set a goal in her life. Chanda accepts the challenge and stays back home. Apeksha manages to bring above 50% in her exams and speaks up to her mother that she had scored not for herself but for her mother’s sake so that she won’t have to go through the shameful situation of seeing her mother attending school. Listening to this chanda’s dreams and hopes shattered into pieces. Now she had left all hopes from her child and continued to work as a maid. She had also joined one dhaba to earn more amount.

Once when her topper friend asked to Apeksha that where was chanda, Apeksha replied that she is not aware of her. The boy looked in her eyes and said it in one shot, “I know she is your mother”. Apeksha feeling embarrassed decided to leave. The boy asked her to meet him in the evening. When they met he pointed out his finger to her mother who was working in the dhaba because her dream was her daughter’s bright future. Apeksha who was not even ready to talk with her mother had tears in her eyes.

Apeksha transformed the tears of her eyes to the hope of her heart. From that moment onwards she focused all her energies on her studies. Every day she tried to bring the best version of her. A girl who had no interest in this world of studying now seems to be a lover of books and of course most appreciated girl of the class. She successfully cleared her 10th grade and cracked UPSC exam with flying colors. Now she is an honored and respected collector of the district.

Things happen to change in a strange way but at the end everything falls into right place. After watching this movie, I came to on conclusion that though it was reel life but in real life also there are many examples like this. The reason to choose this movie as an article is that who says that the poor has no right to dream? Who says that dream and money cannot be separated from each other? My dear friends, an athlete cannot run with money in his pocket, he has to run with hope in his heart and dream in his mind. Everything is possible when you believe in things.Dream is not achieved when you have money but when you believe in your dream. Because when you can believe it, you can achieve it. So keep believing and start achieving your dreams.