Sunday, December 30, 2018
How to Use BCG Matrix

BCG Growth-Share Matrix
- BCG matrix
- (or growth-share matrix) is a corporate planning tool, which is used to portray firm’s brand portfolio or SBUs on a quadrant along relative market share axis (horizontal axis) and speed of market growth (vertical axis) axis.
- Growth-share matrix
- is a business tool, which uses relative market share and industry growth rate factors to evaluate the potential of business brand portfolio and suggest further investment strategies.
Understanding the tool

Strategic choices: Retrenchment, divestiture, liquidation
Strategic choices: Product development, diversification, divestiture, retrenchment
Strategic choices: Vertical integration, horizontal integration, market penetration, market development, product development.
Advantages and disadvantages
- Easy to perform;
- Helps to understand the strategic positions of business portfolio;
- It’s a good starting point for further more thorough analysis.
- Business can only be classified to four quadrants. It can be confusing to classify an SBU that falls right in the middle.
- It does not define what ‘market’ is. Businesses can be classified as cash cows, while they are actually dogs, or vice versa.
- Does not include other external factors that may change the situation completely.
- Market share and industry growth are not the only factors of profitability. Besides, high market share does not necessarily mean high profits.
- It denies that synergies between different units exist. Dogs can be as important as cash cows to businesses if it helps to achieve competitive advantage for the rest of the company.
Using the tool
- Step 1. Choose the unit
- Step 2. Define the market
- Step 3. Calculate relative market share
- Step 4. Find out market growth rate
- Step 5. Draw the circles on a matrix

Brand | Revenues | % of corporate revenues | Largest rival’s market share | Your brand’s market share | Relative market share | Market growth rate |
Brand 1 | $500,000 | 54% | 25% | 25% | 1 | 3% |
Brand 2 | $350,000 | 38% | 30% | 5% | 0.17 | 12% |
Brand 3 | $50,000 | 6% | 45% | 30% | 0.67 | 13% |
Brand 4 | $20,000 | 2% | 10% | 1% | 0.1 | 15% |

Brand | Revenues | % of corporate revenues | Largest rival’s market share | Your brand’s market share | Relative market share | Market growth rate |
Brand 1 | $500,000 | 55% | 15% | 60% | 1 | 3% |
Brand 2 | $350,000 | 31% | 30% | 5% | 0.17 | -15% |
Brand 3 | $50,000 | 10% | 45% | 30% | 0.67 | -4% |
Brand 4 | $20,000 | 4% | 10% | 1% | 0.1 | 8% |

Friday, December 28, 2018
Meet 40 Young Business Leaders Selected by BW Businessworld for Its 2nd Edition of 40 Under 40 Awards and Summit
All the selected Young Business Leaders below the age 40, have demonstrated exceptional contribution in their work and personal growth.

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Friends, Today I am writing on a different topic. After writing on topics like motivation and business topics, I choose different topic to write. So, Today I choose to write on Love.
Before you read further. I want to clarify one thing with all of you that “I am not against LOVE”. But recently I came to know about so called love story…And I am expressing my views on the same.
Love...Seems everybody have their own definition for it. Everybody wants to be loved but everyone is not good at it, but the question still remains- what the LOVE is?
"You're my babe", "my sweet heart”, “I love you", but only if you're with me. Is this Love. Or To have a physical attraction which is famous now a day… is Love.
In today’s fast changing world, what today’s guys/girls are doing, they chat 6-7 days and then start feeling that they have fallen in love & act in same way. Then they propose, hang out and break up within a month or 6 months. Some convert their love in marriage also where some get success and some fails.
Now days, whenever we ask a couple who are in love that what will you do after your marriage, what are your plan, how will you earn your bread and butter. Answer is NO IDEA. And the fact is that they are in love and want to marry with each other. Just want to share one of my poems when person is in love,
The cold breeze tickles my skin
Eyes filled with freshness and heart feels cold
Thunder is surrounding, waves are approaching
But everywhere I see her…I see her...I see her...
On a full moon day her illusion appears,
And her eyes appear in the sparkling stars,
And her laughter echos in gentle flow of stream
But everywhere I see ...I see her...I see her....
Though we are miles and miles away from each other
But our hearts are one
Though she is not seen by me,
Yet everywhere I see ...I see her...I see her…
If this is the love then what can I say for this,
- Someone makes you smile when you’re tired
- When our mommy makes coffee for daddy and she takes a sip before giving it to him, to make sure the taste is OK.’
- When your puppy licks your face even after you left him alone all day.’
- When mother cares for you a lot, no one care for you like her.
- When your father always wears that loose socks but he never let you wear that. He bring for you new one.
- When your younger sister take care of yours when you are ill and lying on bed.
- When your brother cries for you at your bad time and make you sure that you are not alone.
- When a sister tie a great bond in her brother hand without any demand.
- When they are not only friends they are your great supporter and backbone, gem of your life.
And there are many more…list is endless. But still we forget all these things and call our 20 or 30 days or I can say 2 to 4 months old relationship with love and forget years of relationship with our family members. Sometimes one unknown person is so important for us rather than family members. We loved that boy or girl who behave goody goody in front of us and forget our parents, brother or sister who always care for us.
It has been observed that in many cases when someone is in love, they left studies, parents, family members, neighbors, each and every helping hand. Don’t have bright future. But they left the homes and feel its victory of Love. Sometimes I read in news paper also this type of incident that at the age of 20 they become parents. They are not even aware what to do with that kid. And how they will do the upbringing of the kid and develop their carrier.
Just want to ask some questions,
What is love?
Other person’s happiness is more than yours or our happiness is more than others.
What is Love? When you bring smile or bring tears ….
I just only want to say…. Love is a very small four letters word but the fathom of this word is deeper than the Mariana trench and altitude is higher than the Mount Everest!

Monday, October 15, 2018
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Saturday, September 29, 2018
Distress Company
Some days ago, I learnt or I can say I recollected in my mind that whenever you want something don’t just think positive. Always ask, why do I require? I asked myself “why am I working as a business consultant?” And received answer that I like to interact with entrepreneurs and that lead me to come in consulting business.
Being a consultant, I always believed that businessman should interact with other businessmen. He should meet and network. It gives him many insights and learning. So, with this thought, I grab the opportunity to visit Synova Gears with one of my client and met Mr. Jamanbhai Patel one of the director of the company. I would like to present his thoughts on Distress Company and what we can do to not face this type of situation.
First and foremost let me throw some light on what is the meaning of Distress Company. I am sure enough many of you must be juggling with the meaning of the title. “Distress” generally means that the company is having difficulty dealing with its liabilities.
Now. Let’s see major points which help distress companies or I can say what we can do to not getting listed in Distress Company.
•Does your company have old employees?
Generally it has been observed that being an entrepreneur we always believe in our old employees because they have given their sweat and blood. And actually they did. But whenever we try to implement any types of system or hire any type of consultant then these are the people who always oppose. But now, the time has changed. We have to hire new employees (new blood) because they are ready to change and adopt. Or else it will be better if we walk with combination of both.
•Are we unable to recruit people?: Generally it has been observed that we always depend on external agencies for recruitment. During my consulting experience, I found in many cases that my client’s requirement was sales people and placement agencies were sending people with accounting experience. I would like to share one example. One of my client required Mechanical Engineers, so he had approached Placement agencies. They sent Mechanical Engineers. During the interview. When client asked about micro meter, then he was surprised that majority of the people were not aware how to hold micro meter. I am not against any placement agencies but, I just want say that use are own sources & circle. May be it is possible that we can recruit people within time period.
•Difficult to survive in price war?:
During the discussion of this point Jamanbhai stated that sometimes it is necessary to enter with Low Price and then create your brand. Before that we have to make sure that our QCD (Quality, Commitment & Delivery) should be proper. In this competitive world if we are unable to provide quality, not able to fulfill commitment and not able to deliver on time then we have to think for our existence. So, work on your QCD, then start marketing with 360 degree and create your own brand. So that we can take our own price.
Friends these are some points which we discussed with Jamanbhai – Director of Synova Gear. Apart from these we had discussed many points which I will share with you in next article.
Today’s entrepreneurs don’t have all answers, yet they succeed because they are smart enough to know when to ask others for their input. So, keep asking questions. Remember one thing जवाब उसीको मिलता हे जो सवाल पूछता हे. & अच्छे जवाब उसीको मिलता हे जो अच्छे सवाल पूछता हे. Curiosity is the greatest teacher in 21st century. So, keep asking.

Wednesday, September 12, 2018
Why is the Modi government not controlling the fuel prices?

Tuesday, August 21, 2018
Do you think that the introduction of the GST in India is a step towards a greater and developed nation?
- One India promise: Everyone will start thinking in terms of “India as a nation” and not merely in terms of their provincial loyalties. This happens because everyone’s fate is tied together through the GST Council (where all have representation). The downside? If anyone fails to make enough revenues, they’ll question the whole system. Let’s be fair: states have sacrificed their federal fiscal freedom to be a part of the GST regime.
- Simple is better: The simplified tax regime will be a great relief for all honest businesses. The one thing everyone loves is minimum compliance load and maximum clarity. GST theoretically promises that. It will take until 2020 for the final shape to emerge, but the hope is strong. The downside? If rate slabs don’t get rationalized, it will remain an under-optimized and a compliance-heavy system.
- Tax to GDP ratio is all set to improve due to ‘everything’ getting into the government’s official records. From our present 16.6% of GDP to a much bigger number, the journey will give a lot of leg-space to the government to do things it otherwise needed to borrow money for. The downside? If public services’ quality does not improve, people may question the whole idea of paying more taxes. This is the greatest conundrum facing public policy making as of now.
- Big data, transparent analysis: The GSTN and CBDT will seamlessly share data, so indirect taxpayers cannot escape the direct tax net. And GSTN and DGFT too will share data so foreign trade data become instant, and trends that much clearer and policy-making easier. The downside? Too much power in state’s hand, some would say :)
- Formalisation: The huge informal economy may slowly be turned into a formal one over a decade or so. It will have great pains attached but needs to be finally done in a manner that jobs destruction doesn’t happen. GST forces companies to go formal, but the process is not smooth as of now - it is “yanking the informal into the formal” approach. Women empowerment will get a boost as a key driver of poor women labor participation in India is the lack for formal sector jobs. The downside? Formal doesn’t equal profitable always. Many may simply go bankrupt in the process. Bad for everyone.

Tuesday, August 7, 2018
Lessons on leadership from PepsiCo’s Indra Nooyi as she steps down as CEO

Sunday, May 27, 2018
Is 5S Implementation At All Possible in Non-manufacturing?
- Seiri (organizing or arranging things)
- Seiton (putting things in order)
- Seiso (cleaning)
- Seiketsu (standardization)
- Shitsuke (discipline)
- Sort
- Set in order
- Shine
- Standardize
- Sustain
And lastly, ‘shitsuke’ strives to maintain that all-important discipline among workers without which no implementation of 5S can ultimately be sustained. Quality, cleanliness and safety are all finally dependent upon how successfully the workers have imbibed the spirit of discipline.