Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Book Review : Ikigai

Ikigai means "Life to be worthwhile" or 
"Purposeful Life" 

Japan has highest life expectancy in world and a region named Okinawa in Japan even have higher life expectancy than national average. There is a town in Okinawa named Ogimi also known as Village of longevity where if someone has 80yr of age then people will say ये तो बच्चा है अभी 😂 because touching 100 is norm there and this book Ikigai study lifestyle of people of Japan/Okinawa/Ogimi 

So why they live longer 🤔.. and one thing that is common is they have purpose in their life 😀, they have found their ikigai which give meaning to their life. Although there are other factors too but finding life's ikigai is most important. 🤗.. 

Book includes interview of people who have age of 100yr or more and that part of book is very beautiful. Those rich minds give very basic advises about life which help them in living longer...

• Most Important :- Find something which you love doing.. whatever it is... This is secret of long life, doing things you love... that is your ikigai 😍

• Stay close to nature 

• socialize with people whom you love or who loves you👥👫

• always eat 80% of hunger 🍝

• never retire in your life even if you have retired professionally 🕺🕺

• keep smiling 🤣🤣

• eat vegetable🍇🍈

• keep moving/exercise because sedentary lifestyle accelerate aging process. 🏃🏃

• 1 day fasting in a week

• 1 day detox in a week from SocialMedia/Smartphone

and finally a beautiful quote from book that sums up all ... 

"Life is not a problem to be solved. Just remember to have something that keeps you busy doing what you love while being surrounding by the people who loves you" 

just enjoy your day & keep smiling  and one beautiful thing about future is.. it comes one day at a time.. so enjoy the day.... 

Further a book never disappoints like Bhai (बोलो राधे राधे 🤣🤣🤣)...

#ikigaibook #ikigai #reading #knowledgesharing

Note: Please understand the fact that reading a book summary is not a replacement for reading the book. This is just my version of understanding the book. By making this summary, I want to encourage you to read this book.


  1. Nicely explained the book. It created interest to read this book. Thank you Rahul.

  2. Really inspired me to read the book thanks

  3. Book review is as it has to be.. Short, sharp, to the point..
    Loved it..

  4. Simple yet heart touching review that can summarize the entire content with few lines.
    Keep going brother 👍

  5. Very nice summarized. This created interest to read it. Thanks 👍
