Sunday, June 9, 2019

Mental World

After a morning walk, a group of doctors was standing at a road-side restaurant enjoying a cup of tea.

Then they saw a man limping towards them.

• One doctor said he has Arthritis in his Left Knee.
• The second said he has Plantar Faciitis
• The third said, just an Ankle Sprain.
• The fourth said, see that man cannot lift his knee, he looks to have Lower Motor Neurons.
• But to me he seems a Hemiplegia Scissors Gait, said the fifth.

Before the sixth could proclaim his diagnosis... the man reached the group and asked,

*"Is there a cobbler nearby who can repair my slipper?"*


We are all confined not only to the planet on which we live, but, metaphorically speaking, we reside within our own mental worlds.  It is difficult to comprehend ideas and circumstances we are not accustomed to hearing and seeing within the invisible parameters that surround our lives.

Thus, one of the causes of our differing perceptions of truth is that we all start from our own set of assumptions.

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