Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Employee Engagement Activities to Reinvent Your Workforce

Employee Engagement Activities to Reinvent Your Workforce

Being a Business Consultant I came across many problems of the companies. Many entrepreneurs have the same issue, i.e., Employees are not motivated, attrition ratio is high. Cannot plan future things because we are not sure whether the employee will be available or not after 2 years.

Keeping employees engaged is perhaps the biggest challenges that all companies facing. Entrepreneurs always thinking about how to grab the opportunity to gain long-term commitment from the employees. What I observed during my consultancy experience is that all MNC's are working on employee engagement activities wherein many SME's are not aware of the same.

Employee engagement activities should be more about the emotion than the intellect. Managers are busy, employees are disengaged that is the situation which all companies are facing. This is precisely where employee engagement activities come into play.

The word “activities” indicate a call to action, as something to do. Activities are a great way to engage and involve people and to show your employees that you care.
In this article, we will see some employee engagement activities to boost morale and increase job satisfaction.

Some Employee Engagement Activities:

Involve employees in your business planning process:  In SME’s, it has been observed that many companies are making their strategy sheet for the next 1, 2 or 3 years. Involve your team in planning, assessing opportunities and coming up with improvement ideas for your business strategy. In this case, also make sure that if you have the multiple offices then not only involve employees from HO but also involve from other branches also.  By doing this, you’ll foster loyalty and you’ll also have a prepared leadership pipeline.
Encourage and provide learning opportunities: Knowledge is the power of the 21st century. So, create your own academy, where employees can access the knowledge and development and grab the opportunities that they need. This is one of the reasons why employees quit companies: lack of learning opportunities.

Sports competitions: Introduce sports competitions such as inter-department cricket matches, football games, etc., This is an exceptional team building exercise as well as a good form of physical and mental exercise.

Regular Potlucks create a positive vibe:
“With food, we can share and communicate our emotions. It’s that mindset of sharing that is really what you’re eating.”– Jeong Kwan
A potluck is basically a food-party where each guest contributes a different homemade dish of food to share. At its base part, it is bonding over food.
Hold a birthday breakfast with the CEO: Face time with executive leadership is highly prized by front-line workers, but difficult to come by without a plan. One idea is to have held a monthly or Quarterly breakfast/lunch with the CEO and everyone who has a birthday that month.
Peer-to-peer Recognition works wonders:
Peer to peer employee recognition is 35.7% more likely to have a positive impression on financial results than manager-only recognition.- Source (SHRM/Glob force Employee Recognition Survey)
Try to remember the last time when someone told you what a great the job you have done?
All in all, having a peer-to-peer appreciation is an outstanding way to build an environment of gratitude and appreciation, where colleagues thank each other for their accomplishments.

Apart from these there are many activities which we can do for the engagement of the employees like:
·         The Employee of the month” on a regular basis
·         Build a great mentorship program
·         Office Trips are great for team building
·         Silly Trophies are fun and engaging
·         Create your own internal magazine
·         Celebrate your own organization’s day
·         Implement work-life balance and there are many activities….

We know that engaging your employees may seem like an enormous task that can never be accomplished.
But try to incorporate employee engagement activities in your organization and we are sure that you will have a more productive, engaged and the happier workforce at hand.


  1. Right Sir, Employee Engagement Activity plays a vital role to make relation with employees as well as to retain employees. It connect employee emotions with the Purpose of the Company.

  2. Precisely elaborated various methods of employee engagement... Connecting emotionally was a masterstroke... Great Article Rahul sir...

  3. Very usefull tips to sustain and encash the talent in organisation...

  4. quite important path to guide all SMEs..

  5. True Said....to Engage employees with company..
