Monday, December 11, 2017



Life – easy to live but difficult to define, full of headbanging problems with applied solutions, filled with miseries to reveal mysteries, covered by dark clouds to show the silver lining and the list go endless. This game of life is really strange but you will be the winner when you have clearly understood this game!
Friends before taking one step towards understanding this game of life I would highlight some examples that will definitely play a vital role in changing our vision. Napoleon Bonaparte who was bountifully blessed with fame, money, power apologized that he had not lived even six days of his life happily whereas Helen Keller who is blind, deaf, and dumb was living her life to the fullest and said that “life is really something beautiful that happened to her”! Why is this so that life that is beautiful for one and a burden for another? Why some people are existing on this earth and some are living? Well, all these questions will be answered shortly.
Today in this monotonous world we all might say that stress, worries, tension, luxury, greed have stolen the charm of life and life is equivalent to death for us. But if we give a second thought to it we will realize that in today’s world wherein the air is more filled with harmful pollutants and dreadful viruses, do we stop breathing? Obviously not. So why to get defeated by this trivial problems? Let’s have a look at some real-life examples that really convince us to a great extent. Willis Havilland carrier was an American engineer who was assigned a project of gas cleaning by a company and millions of dollars were invested for it. But to his surprise, the machines that he had designed were unable to fulfill the demands of the company. Due to this he was blamed for the failure of his machine and held responsible for the loss of the company. He was so upset with his failure that he couldn’t even sleep at nights. His life had become a complete mess!
But without getting shattered into pieces he mustered enormous amount of courage and willpower. He used 3 easy steps to relieve his mind from this problem.
  • He examined the worst situation that will happen to him. He examined that due to this failure he won’t be hanged or imprisoned but he shall lose his prestige among his colleagues.
  • After examining the worst situation in mind, accepting that situation with all your heart comes in to play. He wholeheartedly accepted his fate and freed his mind from stress and worry.
  • Now once you have accepted the worst situation you have taken some actions that will be towards making your worst fate a bit better. Carrier analyzed that if he invests $5000 in his machines he will be preventing the loss to his company of $ 20,000.
He followed his strategy and executed it and the results tossed his fate!! Instead of loss of $20,000 he made a profit of $15,000 to his company.
Another real-life example is about a man named Haney was suffering from duodenal ulcers. He was diagnosed by a doctor and said that he had very less time to live. He was standing on the doorstep of death and life. In this situation, he also applied the same 3 steps that Willis carrier did. He fearlessly examined the worst situation in his mind accepted it and worked for making it better. He had accepted that he was a guest for few days and thus decided to live his life to the fullest. He made up his mind for world tour through the ship and took a coffin with him to the tour. He made an agreement with the shipman to preserve his body in the coffin in case of sudden death. In that world tour, he had a lot of parties, made friends, ate almost everything that he wanted, sang songs and played like never before! He completed his world tour successfully and after reaching his country he was left in a complete awe to know that he is now absolutely fit and fine and is no more suffering with any sort of “duodenal ulcers”. “When you decide to smile at life, life decides to smile back”! It’s as simple as that.  
Friends, we are already owners of precious gifts and treasures whose worth is more than money, car, luxury. Yes, I can justify my point. If someone asked you to give your arms or legs or eyes, ears in return for 5 crores or a car or a bungalow would you give it? See! You must surely have a big, big, big, “no” on your face. We are millionaires when we grow bigger than our thoughts. The only difference is that we have forgotten to count our blessings. We have forgotten to see the possibilities while being engaged in problems. The beauty of life is not in its moments, it’s in the eyes of the beholder. Napoleon Bonaparte is known by history but not known to the essence if life while Helen Keller despite physical disability has discovered the meaning of living. Happiness is your very own personal choice. You have to “choose” to be happy instead of waiting for happiness to choose you!


Friends we all are blessed beyond what we deserve. We are enriched with ample of knowledge, immeasurable wealth, an immortal soul! When we are inspired from within we are committed to doing something extraordinary. There was a girl who was paralyzed below the waist due to severe spinal cord damage. She was using a wheelchair since 1999. She also had a normal life as she was an army man’s wife and a mother of two children. Well, now let us see her from a professional spectacle! Despite disability, she was a  fabulous restaurateur with a social cause, a former beauty queen, an accomplished swimmer on an international platform and now a winnable biker. Yes, friends, I am talking about none other than Deepa Malik- the pride of India! A silver medalist in Paralympics 2016 in the shot put who wears a multitude of hats and is a sheer example of “ability beyond disability”. Life offers you an opportunity to prove your ability, time to rise above your failures, possibility to create the impossible and many more. Success is not seen in situations, it is hidden within! When you keep on marching fearlessly and keep growing from your problems one fine day you will surely find that a beautiful destiny will be waiting right there to welcome you. We all are destined to be victorious not victims! Lastly, I would like to say,

We have two choices in life,
We can spend our life by living or by existing.
But the truth is that just “existing” in life brings tears and
“Living” in life brings cheers!!!

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