Tuesday, October 25, 2016

What are a few things that very successful people never do?

  1. Never miss a chance to ask good questions. That is the best way to learn at minimum cost.
  2. Never miss a good read. No matter how costly.
  3. Never ask their team to do stuff they'd not be willing to do themselves.
  4. Never pull others down. You only gain infamy, not future connections.
  5. Never waste a crisis. Put it to the best use - redesign, re imagine, recreate.
  6. Never trust people at face value. Google. Reference check. Ask around.
  7. Never underestimate the enemy.
  8. Never insult those who look, speak, work, talk differently.
  9. Never invite death home. Stay as discreet as possible.
  10. Never miss a chance to be with family and enjoy to the fullest. What are 1 to 9 for, otherwise!


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