Friday, December 30, 2016

Youth of India

21st Century is the century of young generation or I can say, it is the century of the future creators. Future of the India is in the hands of youth. In other word, they are developing the future of the country.  I feel really proud when I am writing on the youth. In India, approximately 5 crores are young people lying between 10 to 25 years. They are creating their future as well as the future of our country. There was a very nice poem written by someone, I would like to dedicate it to our young generation,

कुछ करना है, तो डटकर चल, 
थोड़ा दुनियां से हटकर चल, 
लीक पर तो सभी चल लेते है, 
कभी इतिहास को पलटकर चल, 

बिना काम के मुकाम कैसा ? 
बिना मेहनत के, दाम कैसा ?
जब तक ना हासिल हो मंज़िल, 
तो राह में, राही आराम कैसा ?

अर्जुन सा निशाना रख मन में, 
ना कोई बहाना रख !
लक्ष्य सामने है, 
बस उसी पे अपना ठिकाना रख !!

सोच मत, साकार कर, 
अपने कर्मो से प्यार कर !
मिलेगा तेरी मेहनत का फल, 
किसी और का ना इंतज़ार कर !!

जो चले थे अकेले, 
उनके पीछे आज मेले है ...
जो करते रहे इंतज़ार, 
उनकी जिंदगी में आज भी झमेले है।।

After reading this poem, how do you feel? We are ought to get goose bumps. But reality has always turned out to be different. Each and everyone’s expectation is high. They want immediate reward for their action. Just look at the below picture and what you think, what it is and what would be its cost?

One may be think, it is a stone. And yes, it is looking like a stone but actually it is a rough diamond. After undergoing tremendous changes and challenging adversities, the so called hard stone still has a lot of persistence left with it!!!
It is that persistence and courage that makes it a dazzling, sparkling Diamond from a rough, deformed stone. Because of these course of action, Diamond is surviving years and years and is placed in locker or in necklace, or in crown, earring, or in bracelet and many more. Diamond will always add some charm in one’s personality. From King Ranjeet Singh to Queen Victoria all are dead but Kohinoor diamond is still living. Friends the taste of success is not experienced without tasting the pain. Diamond is always ready for cutting and polishing and because of that Kohinoor is placed in crown and still alive.

We all are very well aware that No gain is without pain but still we are expecting miracle from what we do. I remember one song of Madhuri from movie “Khel”, “Tum mujhko chaand lake do,
Mujhko taare lake do, aur sare lake do. This is what our young generations are expecting. Just remember one thing, how much we
flipped ourselves, our selves will shine accordingly.
We people are expecting a lot from others. And if we are deprived of it we are frustrated. We feel like that was the last day of the life and will never receive another opportunity. Remember one thing, in “TODAY”, there is one “O”, means today we have “ONE Opportunity”, whereas in “TOMORROW” there are 3 (Three) “O”, means if you missed an opportunity today then don’t lose hope, you may be receive better opportunity “TOMORROW”.
We all know the valuable contribution given by Mahatama Gandhiji for our freedom. He never received the Nobel peace prize for the same. But after Gandhiji, whoever received the award all of them mentioned Mahatma Gandhiji’s name in their speech. I think Gandhiji received a better award than the Nobel Peace prize.
Let’s see the example of “Leonardo DiCaprio”. After 27 years in Hollywood, six nominations, he received the OSCAR award. After that the headine of the news paper and News Channel was “Finally, OSCAR got the Leonardo DiCaprio”.
In above two examples, we can see the importance of the patience. If you want to achieve something then you have to put yourself under the difficult situation.

These two wonderful instruments of god i.e. time and pressure can really create history. As a black coal is heated in excess pressure to drain out all the impurities of coal and purify it. In the same way stress and pressure in life gives you an opportunity to learn something new and upgrade your old version. No matter how much ever difficult this change may be time is the best healer. You may feel hurt or ached at some point but in the end time heals the scars and wounds.
So tighten your shoelaces and muster courage and strength because you have a diamond hidden in you!!and diamonds are born to shine over their problems not to whine over them.


Thursday, December 29, 2016

When God Created Mothers

When the Lord was creating mothers, He was into His sixth day of "overtime" and the angel appeared and said. "You're doing a lot of fiddling around on this one." And God said, "Have you read the specs on this order?" She has to be completely washable, but not plastic. Have 180 movable parts...all replaceable. Run on black coffee and leftovers. Have a lap that disappears when she stands up. A kiss that can cure anything, from a broken leg to a disappointed love affair. And six pairs of hands." 

The angel shook her head slowly and said. "Six pairs of hands.... no way."  It's not the hands that are causing me problems," God remarked, "it's the three pairs of eyes that mothers have to have." That's on the standard model?" asked the angel. God nodded. 

One pair that sees through closed doors when she asks, 'What are you kids doing in there?' when she already knows. Another here in the back of her head that sees what she shouldn't but what she has to know, and of course the ones here in front that can look at a child when he goofs up and say, “I understand and I love you” without so much as uttering a word." 

God," said the angel touching his sleeve gently, "Get some rest tomorrow...." 
I can't," said God, "I'm so close to creating something so close to myself. Already I have one who heals herself when she is sick...can feed a family of six on one pound of hamburger...and can get a nine year old to stand under a shower."  The angel circled the model of a mother very slowly. "It's too soft," she sighed.  But tough!" said God excitedly. "You can imagine what this mother can do or endure." 
Can it think?" 

Not only can it think, but it can reason and compromise," said the Creator.  Finally, the angel bent over and ran her finger across the cheek. 

There's a leak," she pronounced. "I told you that you were trying to put too much into this model."  It's not a leak," said the Lord, "It's a tear." What's it for?"  It's for joy, sadness, disappointment, pain, loneliness, and pride." 

You are a genius, "said the angel.


Saturday, December 24, 2016

God's Masterpiece - " Mother"

In my last article, I had started from a short story for parenting. Now, let’s start in a different way. Today I heard exciting news that KBC is once again going to start in 2017. So, let me take an opportunity to ask one question to you. Who is the biggest artist in the world? Sorry but No option for that. What will be your answer? You would say Tom Cruise, Jacky Chain, Amitabh Bachchan or Rajnikant because there is nothing which Rajni can’t do. With due respect of their greatness in acting, achievements and wisdom my answer is different from yours. My answer is “Mother”.
Yes my dear friend, “Mother”. “It’s the only name which has profound meaning in the entire universe. When we are surrounded by adversity or unfortunately face some major accidents and the first word that your lips never fail to speak is “Mother”.
When we are completely lost in our midnight sleep the only person to tuck on a woolen blanket in chilly winter nights is none other than your very own mother! When you have filled your tummy till the rim and deny eating further it is “mother” who pampers you to have two more rotis…..that too either side fully loaded with “ghee”.
Now, let’s come to the answer, why I said “Mother” is the best artist. We will see it from that day when “the woman who gave a birth to her Mother”. As per medical science, the most unbearable pain that anyone can ever experience is during delivering a baby. The next second after the delivery when she happens to see a glimpse of the child, she forgets her every pain and sorrow. Friends this is a true art which is only known to motherhood. It’s an art of giving all that she has to the child. During childhood, when baby is crying a mother never feels shy to make funny faces and tries harder to see her child amused. She will work from fingers to bone and never show a sign of worry or tense on her face. We can’t imagine how much she is doing for us, it is priceless. That is the reason god created mother because he knew that it’s impossible to be present everywhere.

To know the importance of the mother, please have a look on my article, " when god created mother".

Just imagine the importance of the mother from this short but heart melting story. The creator too wasn’t willing to rest while creating this unbeatable masterpiece!!! Indian culture has always joined hands with reverence before women hood and feminism. In our tradition also the goddesses are worshipped more as compared to the gods. But unfortunately this so called 21st century has transformed from “Karagre Vste Lakshmi…” to “Karagre Vaste WhatsAPP”. Instead of Social event, we are using social media because we are very much busy after vitamin M (money).

Actually we people tend to show that we don’t have time for our selves, for our friends and family members. It has been observed that we people are busy on whatsapp in house instead of sparing some quality time with our family members.

This is the situation of our family in 21st century. Mother is giving her 100% for development of her child and after some years, the same child doesn’t have a single minute to spare for his/her mother. There are many families who are financially strong enough but they don’t want to give time to their mothers. When mother suffers from severe illness the child arranges the best medical treatment with full time doctors and nurses. Sometimes at the end no change is observed in mother’s health because mother needs time of family members. More than medicines she requires our time in such situations. She requires her very own children whom she looked up as her only support in old age. Instead of doing charity after mother’s demise or whining for mother, it’s better to give some good memories to your mother.

So finally I would conclude saying that instead of celebrating Mother’s day, give her your best of support, your utmost care and most importantly your valuable time. Let’s not allot only one day for our dear mothers….. Celebrate her goodness every day. Let everyday be mother’s day!! 

Monday, December 12, 2016

Parenting: The way you choose!!!

Hello friends! We humans right from childhood are fond of stories and novels. So, before starting my article I would like to share one story with you which I read recently.

There was a family that had gone to a hotel for dinner. A polite and gentle waiter came to take order. So, he first asked to small child, what will you take, sir? Before that child speaks his father spoke he is suffering from cold. That child keeps silent. So, waiter again asks with politeness, what will you take sir? Now, this time mom took her turn. She said instead of eating he will spread everywhere. That child again keeps silent.  So, waiter again asked with politeness, what will you take sir? Now both mom and dad got frustrated but with distracted voice, child dared to speak, “one chocolate ice cream.” Then waiter went. After that, small kid slowly murmured, “At least he is the one who took me seriously.”

 A short but very touching story. Knowingly or unknowingly this is happening in our family. As a parent, we always want to develop our child with our thoughts, our experience and sometimes unknowingly, we are ruthlessly destroying their wings that are born to fly high. Being a parent, we don’t do it intentionally. We think that the mistakes which we had committed in our childhood must not be repeated by our children. Inadvertently, here we are doing the small mistake. Let’s go in a flashback before 30 years when parents were kids. At that time, may be the situations were different and no one is aware about the future. Now as we are talking about flashback would any child like to be imposed by the thoughts or rules of our parents? Obviously not.  As a parent, we always want to develop our child in the same manner as we have been developed.

In the above example, parents were worrying about his health as he was suffering from cold. And as he was a kid, it may be possible that he doesn’t have any idea regarding what to eat and what to avoid. In such circumstances you can advice give suggestions but not even allowing him to speak once is making your own child your puppet!!

Sometimes, we are expecting a miracle from our child or we are thinking that they are robots and they will follow our each and every command. We never try to see the world from their perspective. My mom always said, when I was kid at that time I used to cry and never mix up with my other cousin. I preferred living alone with my mom and was more of introvert type of person. Now if I imagine that scene, then I am amused. If I was having this type of behavior then I can’t expect something miracle from my child. I am the product of the 20th century and trying to survive in 21st century whereas this generation belongs from 21st century where technology is at peak. Let your children be the gift of your encouragement not the product of your mistake. Encourage them to be what they are born to become not what you want them to become. This is a sign of 21st century parent!!

Lastly I would like to conclude with one thought, “you can’t expect a miracle from children by insulting and criticizing them. Simply make them feel loved and treat them precious you will definitely find a hidden star in them”. It’s all upon you which way you choose!

Thursday, December 8, 2016

“Don’t stop, till you find success”

Yes, yesterday already passed by, but tomorrow is in our hand. What happened today, how it happened? Very boring day. All strategies are wrong, mom and dad scolded , breakup with Girlfriend/Boyfriend, not receiving the contract, having a huge dead stock, not in a good mood, viral fever, exam paper is too tough, our family members or friend circle tease us , accident of our bike, purse lost, receiving a memo at Job.

The list is endless, as life is permanent tragedy! That’s why laughter is so precious, as the proverb goes "Laughter is the best medicine ”. We never know what tragedy will happen with us. But it is fact that that event which is harmful for us, is not with us in past, today is with us but tomorrow will be pass to another. Because all days are not the same, some days bring joy in our life while some days bring sorrow. Another new day, new event, new hope, new courage!

We are discussing on the different national issues, we also want our children to carry forward our virtues and traditions. The art of praying is one of the unique arts which one can learn. The true art of praying is to pray deep from your heart. A prayer that comes right from your heart is so vivid, that even the almighty would wake up from his deep sleeps. But that is also a fact that youth suicide ratio in India is alarmingly high!

All experts and politicians show their concerns for suicide of poor farmers but nobody is thinking for the high ratio of the suicide of teenagers. But government blindly ignores this alarming ratio.
I don’t know why these incidents are so rapid nowadays. Teenage means the age of the adolescence ,energy , will power, freshness ,enthusiasm ,trying new things, thinking about the future ......... in short it’s an age where you are live to each and every moment, but still their hopes dwindle down and they make an attempt for suicide.

Because the youngsters are still adolescent, they are not able to distinguish between right and wrong. Still they are believed to walk on different shades of rainbow. We are already given lots of jeans, cell phone but not given the realistic thought. They know dance very well but they fear to face the society. That’s why they are in dilemma when they are facing some difficulties. So, when exam papers are not going well, the dilemma is not because of exams but because of others........ They worry for others!! I am not up to my family expectations…. Tension … Tension … Tension

Don’t worry Be Happy. As you grow up, you will realize that, peoples never comment. Apart from your near and dear one, if others praise you then don’t be on the seventh cloud…… and if they comment on you then don’t lose hope! Because their comments are their opinion, not the truth. If someone showing his/her regret for the exam paper then don't ask for sympathy, gain empathy. If someone shows off achievements of his children in study, then don’t be ashamed because he is not god that will keep you a “loser” and his/her child “champion”.

Let’s learn some life skills. Failure is an event, not a permanent. You will be able to do an outstanding job, not when you are out of tension but when you know how to tackle that tension. But if you are always crying, then failure will be your permanent stamp. If due to continuous failure, Mr. Amitabh Bachchan would have attempted a suicide, the by now his name would have been inked as a failure. But he struggled, fought back and then, the turning point, after KBC , he again got back his fame.

That’s the point. In a crisis, in cricket, batsmen already aware how to hold their wicket. If you are on the wicket then runs will automatically come your way. Then as you get a chance, make the most out of it. Our life is also like a cricket, in a difficult situation we are crying, confusing in a difficult situation, everywhere it is darkness, we are getting tired that is a natural things. Without diving in river, it’s impossible to cross it. Someone is showing or hiding, but that is the fact that everyone is facing the difficulties.

But who can complete that phase and prepared for the war, that one will kill the Ravan. Like failure we cannot grab success and keep it tightly held in our fist! Suddenly comes in our lap, sometimes will flow rivers of sweat, but we fail to achieve it! But the thing which is permanent is “Preparedness”. You are always ready because opportunity will come from anywhere, so the result of the exam will never keep a longer impact on you.
Dearest Student, buddies just think, your goal is mark sheet or a career? Because nobody knows the marks of successful persons then how it is possible for failed person? Remember, career is not directly related to education degree but it is related with a man. There are so many students who cleared MA with political science, but out of that each one will not become the Chief Minister. After some time, contact points of our parents also are also not useful, otherwise Abhishek Bachchan would have been the biggest super star of the India and Rohan Gavaskar , the best batsman of the Indian Cricket team.

At the end, we are killing our self. Suicide is not the permanent solution for failure in exam or not getting god job due to recession. If we are thinking for suicide due to bad circumstances then after death it will be much better situation, then that is wrong because nobody will prove that. God knows situation will be more complicated. There is a risk, fear and require more hard work to put a step in an unknown situation but it is better to fight in a knowing situation. It may be reverse that after suicide, life of our near and dear One’s would be worst and the stamp of the failure will be permanent!

Buck up, If you fall down then remove your dust, Come on, fight out! Remember, the final score of the innings will be deciding on the last ball not on the first ball. People salute who stands bravely in the worst situation. Don’t waste your time! Invest your time! What happen if due to some less marks, you are not eligible to go in your lovable field. More than 90% celebrities got success apart from their professional degree. It might be possible that other person will also salute to your Preparedness, though you don’t have the degree. The real joy of the life is in the suspense, what will be happen next. Friend’s history teaches a mystery of life. If everything happens according to our will then, there is no mystery and where there is no mystery, how are we going to create a great history. And if everything goes as we want then there will be a day, when we have lost the true taste of life.

So, cheer up, improve yourself and don’t escape!

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

How can India go cashless with just 30% of population having smartphones?

  1. You don’t need 100% smartphones to get cashless economy. Most developed economies got there well before they had mobile phones. You need mechanisms like the cheque book, debit cards and bank transfers for which India already has the technology.
  2. Developing economies with poorer infrastructure and lower incomes than us - Kenya and Somalia have already moved significant part of their economy cashless. Thus, literacy and infrastructure doesn’t matter either. The Economist explains: Why does Kenya lead the world in mobile money?
  3. In the next 3 years, India will have near 100% smartphone penetration and has to get ready with its culture and attitudes towards cashless transactions.
People assume that less educated and poor economies like India should not go cashless. On the contrary, India should go cashless because it is poor. Financial inclusion is necessary for poverty alleviation and corruption reduction.
It is not the technology that is in our way. It is our attitudes. This is why a big shock treatment is needed for Indians to change our ways of our lives.


Friday, October 28, 2016

A Great Management lesson

One fine day, a bus driver went to the bus garage, started his bus, and drove off along the route. No problems for the first few stops – a few people got on, a few got off, and things went generally well.
At the next stop, however, a big hulk of a guy got on. Six feet eight,built like a wrestler, arms hanging down to the ground. He glared at the driver and said, “Big John doesn’t pay!” and sat down at the back.
Did I mention that the driver was five feet three, thin, and basically meek? Well, he was. Naturally, he didn’t argue with Big John, but he wasn’t happy about it. The next day the same thing happened – Big John got on again, made a show of refusing to pay, and sat down. And the next day, and the next.
This grated on the bus driver, who started losing sleep over the way Big John was taking advantage of him. Finally he could stand it no longer. He signed up for body building courses, karate, judo, and all that good stuff.
By the end of the summer, he had become quite strong; what’s more, he felt really good about himself. So on the next Monday, when Big John once again got on the bus and said, “Big John doesn’t pay!”
The driver stood up, glared back at the passenger, and screamed, “And why not?” With a surprised look on his face, Big John replied, “Big John has a bus pass. ”Management Lesson: “Be sure there is a problem in the first place before working hard to solve one.”

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Importance of documentation and work experience of HR professionals.

Once a HR was travelling in a train in A/c class.
He was alone in the coach. After some time, a lady came and sit in front of him. After that she went to him and told to give her money,mobile everything , Otherwise she will shout and tell everybody that he is harassing and misbehaving with me.
The HR took out a paper and a pen from his bag and wrote that he can not hear or speak. You write on this paper whatever you want to say.. That lady wrote everything what she said earlier and gave it to that man. Then he told her now you can shout..and do whatever you want. I have got documentary proof.
That's the importance of documentation and work experience of HR professionals.

Importance of Goal

On the best sunny day, A man was traveling and stopped at an intersection. He asked an elderly man, "Where does this road take me?" The elderly person asked, "Where do you want to go?" The man replied, "I don't know." The elderly person said, "Then take any road. What difference does it make?"
How true. When we don't know where we are going, any road will take us there.
Suppose you have all the football eleven players, enthusiastically ready to play the game, all charged up, and then someone took the goal post away. What would happen to the game? There is nothing left. How do you keep score? How do you know you have arrived?
Enthusiasm without direction is like wildfire and leads to frustrationGoals give a sense of direction. Would you sit in a train or a plane without knowing where it was going? The obvious answer is no. Then why do people go through life without having any goals?

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

What are a few things that very successful people never do?

  1. Never miss a chance to ask good questions. That is the best way to learn at minimum cost.
  2. Never miss a good read. No matter how costly.
  3. Never ask their team to do stuff they'd not be willing to do themselves.
  4. Never pull others down. You only gain infamy, not future connections.
  5. Never waste a crisis. Put it to the best use - redesign, re imagine, recreate.
  6. Never trust people at face value. Google. Reference check. Ask around.
  7. Never underestimate the enemy.
  8. Never insult those who look, speak, work, talk differently.
  9. Never invite death home. Stay as discreet as possible.
  10. Never miss a chance to be with family and enjoy to the fullest. What are 1 to 9 for, otherwise!


Saturday, October 22, 2016

What are some good habits to follow?

Small things ultimately make up the big ones. Here are some good habits for daily use :

  1. Thank the almighty for giving you another day to live your dreams. If you are an atheist, thank destiny. Just thank someone!
  2. Smile and laugh at every possible opportunity, every day. By being serious and morose always, nothing worthwhile can be achieved.
  3. Read something new each day. Try developing your mind by irrigating it with new ideas and thoughts.
  4. Write down something new each day. It will give you a lot of confidence and will make you a better communicator.
  5. Save some money, howsoever small or big the amount may be. It will make you a cautious spender.
  6. Do one good deed for the day. Find something that is beyond your immediate commercial or academic interest. Do it.
  7. Keep your home and workplace clean. Take pride in organising and cleaning up your place regularly. Cleanliness truly is Godliness.

And if you are not the disciplined type who can follow a daily regimen of to-do things, let your mind roam freely and set a long-term goal of achieving something really outstanding.

All the best!


What is the difference between Prime Minister, President and Foreign Minister visiting different countries?

In the case of India -

  1. The Prime Minister is the daddy (Head of Govt). She/He runs the government as the CEO and is authorized to take calls of any magnitude. No one can question him/her except the Parliament (later, when in session, in case a particular call taken was too stark or unconventional). So, any country that wants actual action will invite the PM over, and then the topmost decision-maker will make himself available.
  2. The President is the Head of State, ceremonially. She/He cannot take any major strategic call unless explicitly authorized by the Cabinet headed by the PM. So, it's more of a courtesy or filling in the gap when the PM can't go or is someplace else. So, when a ceremonial presence is required but no real decision-making, the President may be invited.
  3. The Foreign Minister works under the PM's direct control and exercises her/his discretion and competency to offer solutions. But final call is the PM's. So, in the basic rounds of groundwork-laying, the FoM can visit.

In all cases, remember that there is a huge administrative machinery working behind the scenes doing the grunt work, supplying facts and intelligence and writing the fine print. 

In case of today's China, the President Xi Jinping has practically centralized all power in his hands (Head of State, Head of Military Commission, Chief of Communist Party, Key decision-maker on economy, etc.) and everyone else seems sidelined.

In the USA, it's the President's writ that runs through and through, subject to constitutional checks.


What are the best and simple advice's for an UPSC aspirant?

The question demands a concise and precise answer. Will try!

If you have been a top academic performer throughout, then
  1. Set tough daily study goals
  2. Find the best mentors
  3. Raise the bar constantly. Challenge yourself
  4. Stay in positive company always
  5. Set weekly, fortnightly and monthly revision targets
  6. Read, read, read; Write, write, write; Think, think, think
  7. Take an off regularly. Allow the mind to collate stuff.

If you have been a moderate academic performer throughout, then
  1. Start early. Give yourself more time
  2. Set moderate daily study goals - you won't break down
  3. Form a group of at least 3 friends with same goals. Motivate each other
  4. Stay in positive company ALWAYS
  5. Set fortnightly and monthly revision targets
  6. Read, read, read; Write, write, write; Think, think, think
  7. Take an off regularly. Allow the mind to collate stuff.

If you have not been an academic performer throughout, then
  1. Start very early. Give yourself a lot of preparation time
  2. Set easy daily study goals - raise the bar on a monthly basis
  3. Find one good friend who understands you, and can motivate you
  4. Stay in positive company ALWAYS. Ask parents for daily motivation
  5. Set monthly revision targets
  6. Read, read, read; Write, write, write; Think, think, think
  7. Take an off regularly. Allow the mind to collate stuff.

All the best! 
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 


What are the five most important things for a man to learn in life?

  1. The greatest legacy you can leave your kids is confidence to tackle any adversity with a smile. Make them realize it regularly.
  2. The girl has left her family to be your wife and your kids’ mother. Never forget that. Remember that especially when the flame seems dimmed.
  3. It’s not necessary to be a big shot to earn respect. Doing regular things with passion and love is usually more than enough. Be it family, or company, or whatever.
  4. For your kids, you will be the role model even if you are a gangster. So, never cursethem for becoming one.
  5. When you and family cannot afford an expensive desire, laugh it away, and relish whatever alternative you can. Togetherness will be the ladder to cross every insurmountable hurdle of life.
Go ahead. Be a man!


What are the top 10 most profitable businesses in India?

Despite being a huge economy that ranks at number 3 in the GDP (PPP) league globally, India is a nation where the agriculture and unorganized sectors dominate employment generation. Contrary to what a lot of people may believe, we do not have a majority of our workforce employed by the organized sector.

The Indian workforce can be categorized by a simple and approximate formula – 65-35-15-85. Of the entire workforce, around 65% are engaged directly or indirectly in Agriculture, a massive number. This number will include farmers, farm labourers, transport workers, mandi workers, marketing people, rural business persons of all types etc. That leaves around 35% of Indian workforce, which we can call non-farm workforce. Of this 35%, not more than 15% are employed by the organized sector. They are paid salaries on fixed dates (almost), enjoy statutory benefits and can associate their work with some brandname of some credible size. The remaining 85% (of this 35%) are engaged in unorganized sector, that does not enjoy any of these characteristics. Are these not shocking statistics, for India, after nearly seven decades of economic independence? By the way, I have not counted homemakers and housewives, whose contribution anyway does not get counted in the GDP calculations.

We are a nation of 1.3 billion people (that’s 130,00,00,000 people). So  it is clear there is abundance of labour available in India, that is untrained, unskilled (or at best partially skilled) and has a poor chance of making it in the formal organized sector. What do these people do? Well, they create small businesses of their own, and get on with their lives quietly. 

Mainstream academia and media often speak disparagingly of these millions as “Mom-and-Pop” shops, because the comparison yardstick is the West, where most of retail is organized. But if these millions were to give up their businesses, and start pestering the governments of India (central and state) for Sarkari jobs, the whole system will crumble and break down in no time. We should be very thankful to these entrepreneurs who quietly create opportunities for themselves, and even employ many more.

I assume by small, the question means really small, even micro. And “top 10” must be the range and spread. The ones I am listing below, are usually proprietorships of the most unstructured format. I am intentionally not counting the Small-scale enterprises in the manufacturing sector. I am also leaving out individual contractors that use the internet economy to work from home, on projects anywhere in the world (these are educated and very capable people). 

In my opinion, ten of the smallest of businesses (not counting agriculture related work) that are widespread across India, totally taken for granted, and where literally crores of Indians (1 crore = 10 million) are self-employed, can be listed as:

  1. Small retail shops – Millions of them spread across the length and breadth of India. They are usually owned by a single family, and entire work is done by two or three members of the same family. They do not formally book every transaction, and issue no receipts. Hence, they generally pay no taxes at all. In fact, if they are forcibly dragged in the tax net, many of them will simply become unviable! So what will happen? Right now we have around 1 million young people entering the workforceeach month. Or 1.2 crore each year. We will substantially increase the number if these shops collapse.
  2. Paan ki dukaan – Indians love their paan, supari, cigarettes, tobacco, and gutkha! And this gives birth to the legion of Paan Shops we see everywhere. They form a key part of the marketing plans of consumer goods giants like Unilever etc. As they say, the Ps of marketing are Product-Price-Promotion-Place-and-Paan shops.
  3. Readymade Garment shops – Thousands of these small shops cater to the needs of the local communities they serve. While all conceivable brands are available in big malls, the small shops cater at an atomic level to their customers’ needs. And they are busy all year round. One can be often surprised at the economical rates these offer.
  4. Tea stalls – Popularly called chai-ki-tapri, these are hangout places (for a few minutes) for the local small office-goers, daily wage labourers, and anybody passing by. Usually run by a single entrepreneur, they employ chhotus, young boys barely 8 or 10 years of age. It can be seen everywhere in India. They serve tea (of coffee), some basic snacks like pakoras, etc. Wholesomely unhealthy if taken on a daily basis.
  5. Auto Repair shops – If you do not wish to spend a lot of money to get your vehicle (2 wheeler or 4 wheeler) repaired at the branded sales outlet or service centre, then the roadside repair shop is always at your disposal. Business is always brisk, and the technicians working can be amazingly skilled.
  6. Mobile repair / accessories shops – The past few years have seen employment generation through this route. Tiny shops that are run by just one or two people can cater to a vast range of your repair / recharging needs. Found almost everywhere.
  7. Grocery & Daily need shops – A type of the small retail shops. Some of them are organizedkirana stores, others much smaller but equally useful. They develop customer relationships through home delivery, some credit, and informal support for a range of needs. Usually have dedicated and loyal clienteles. The arrival of organized retail has, so far, not affected them much.
  8. Small restaurants / coffee shops – Lots of them dot the highways as dhabas, or all commercial roads in cities of all sizes. They are usually much cheaper compared to branded cafes. I remember enjoying a hearty meal (for a family of four) for Rs 36 when  we hungrily went to a very small “south Indian” restaurant on a mountain side in Munnar, Kerala. What a meal it was! And what a rush the restaurant was handling. Such experiences make you want to become a food entrepreneur (the yummy margins!).
  9. Seasonal shops – Every festival in India brings unique buying needs, and that leads to sprouting of such shops in specific areas of all towns and cities. So, during the Ganesh Chaturthi festivals, shops spring up overnight selling pooja samagri (material for religious prayers) and idols. Similarly, Deepawalisees fire-cracker shops andHolibrings with it gorgeously colourful temporary shops. All dealings are naturally in pure cash!
  10. Hawkers of all types – Not to be outdone by the above, we have a whole range of hawkers who shout themselves hoarse strutting their stuff door-to-door, all day long. They do this on bicycles, or thelas, and it must be very exhausting work.
I personally feel that society ought to respect these individuals much more that it currently does. They are the most basic building blocks of our goods and services markets. The entrepreneurial streak of these unsung heroes can be very motivating if we see the sheer struggle their daily lives entail.

As India moves forward, while our economy will get more structured, the simultaneous growth of our population is going to make formal employment generation a huge challenge. Interesting times ahead!
