Sunday, May 27, 2018

Is 5S Implementation At All Possible in Non-manufacturing?

It is no wonder that the service industries sometimes feel disoriented in the world of management-speak regarding business improvement. There is so much jargon floating around – ‘Six Sigma’, ‘5S’, ‘Kaizen’, ‘JIT’, ‘Kanban’ and so on. They do not commonly realize that these concepts are often as applicable to them as to the manufacturing sector.
It is true that the so-called ‘lean methods’ and other kaizen-style management practices initially proved their worth in the manufacturing sector. However, they are equally applicable to the service sector, provided some small adjustments are made.
Let’s take 5S for an example. ‘5S’ is a lean management concept which stands for 5 Japanese words beginning with the letter S. these are:
  1. Seiri (organizing or arranging things)
  2. Seiton (putting things in order)
  3. Seiso (cleaning)
  4. Seiketsu (standardization)
  5. Shitsuke (discipline)
But to make them easy to remember, we might use some rough English translations, also beginning with S:
  1. Sort
  2. Set in order
  3. Shine
  4. Standardize
  5. Sustain
The first ‘S’, ‘seiri’, refers to the task of sorting out the needful from the unnecessary, and discarding the former. It often turns out that stuff that seems useful initially, or has traditionally been considered a part of the work environment, is actually an impediment to work, and creates tension and friction in the workflow. ‘Seiri’ refers to their identification and subsequent removal from the workspace.

Next, ‘seiton’. This is the dictum that one must set the work area such that ‘seiri’ becomes possible, and anyone not natively belonging to that space can come in and find necessary items. This, of course, entails meticulous labeling of each piece of equipment, or, in the case of non-manufacturing industries, each device and instrument (whether material or conceptual) involved in the processes.

‘Seiso’ is cleaning up your workplace in an intelligent manner. A clean workspace stimulates the workflow, and livens up the work environment. So housekeeping must be a part of any workspace, and it is the responsibility of the workers to clean up after work in a way that also reviews ‘seiri’ and ‘seiton’.

‘Seiketsu’ standardizes the first three ‘S’-s once they are firmly in place. Processes and checklists are created and posted visibly in every work area, and workers are required to review them periodically to ensure that the daily requirements of ‘seiri’, ‘seiton’ and ‘seiso’ are being fulfilled. Thus the best practices are standardized across the work environment.
And lastly, ‘shitsuke’ strives to maintain that all-important discipline among workers without which no implementation of 5S can ultimately be sustained. Quality, cleanliness and safety are all finally dependent upon how successfully the workers have imbibed the spirit of discipline.

As becomes clear from the above exposition, 5S requires careful planning based on detailed observation and collection of data. There is no magic formula for successful 5S. It is a slow and gradual process. Each organization must find out its own golden mean through precise measurements and intelligent analysis in interactive workshops known as ‘kaizen events’.

And that is probably the greatest difficulty that the non-manufacturing sector faces in trying to implement 5S. It is easy to observe, measure and record processes in a manufacturing unit. But non-manufacturing industries rarely have a natural measurement system. There is also considerable difficulty in recognizing what constitutes a process.

One formula that they can use is known as SIPOC. This is an abbreviation from the first letters of the five basic elements of production. And it must be remembered that even non-manufacturing industries are producers – not of material goods, but of services and social value.

SIPOC stands for Supplier, Input, Process, Output and Customer. In manufacturing, it is trivial to discern who is who and what is what. In other industries, it may take some careful observation and intelligent consideration to find out the Supplier, Input, Output and Customer. The issue may even be complicated by the fact that sometimes the Supplier may be the Customer – as is often the case in banking or healthcare.

However, once these have been ironed out, and the other four elements have been identified and labeled, what remains must be the PROCESS.

The task that then remains is to find out how best to apply 5S to that process.
Hundreds of non-manufacturing companies have already successfully implemented 5S to their processes, with astonishing savings in cost, time and human resource. These include public sector services, like government offices and courts of law. Implementing 5S in non-manufacturing is therefore no longer the chimaera it once was, but fully achievable with a little careful planning and intelligent thinking.

Peter Peterka is President of Lean Six Sigma US. For additional information on Six Sigma Green Belt or other Six Sigma Black Beltprograms contact Peter Peterka.

Author: Peter Peterka Google


Thursday, May 24, 2018

How different is the work of Google, Facebook, Apple and Amazon in AI ? Who is going to win the AI race?

The last few weeks I spent time interacting with the AI teams of these different tech giants. Here is my quick summary.
Amazon and Microsoft control the cloud market [through which AI is going to be delivered], but they don’t have frameworks like Tensorflow [Google] or Caffe/Torch [Facebook] to give them a strong leg up.
Amazon and Facebook have the key channels through which AI is mostly accessed by the public [Alexa or Facebook messenger].
Amazon and Google have the best speech APIs and NLP.
Microsoft and Amazon provide the best computer vision APIs.
Microsoft and IBM have the best sales teams in this space and work with the widest range of partners to build the AI ecosystem.
Microsoft and Google provide ways to train models through services without worrying about the underlying ML frameworks.
Facebook provides support to the widest range of opensource AI projects, but don’t play the services game. Thus, they might not dominate the AI market.
IBM Watson is the oldest and perhaps the most complete of AI tools/services, but don’t engage well with small developers and thus their applications are limited. Their focus is mostly on the enterprise.
Google’s enterprise sales is weak, but it has perhaps the best of AI technology available both inside and outside. The question is just how well can they interact with the ecosystem and help build mission-critical applications.
Apple has a good AI team inside but unlike other companies, they don’t publish a lot of talk outside their company. No one knows what they do and from what is available public they are perhaps the weakest of the majors in this segment. Not surprisingly Siri has lost out to its competitors in terms of usefulness.
In short, it is a game where no one company really dominates. But, Google perhaps has a slight leg up over the others if everything is taken into consideration.

Why is India trying hard to build a better relationship with China? For example, the Indian PM Modi could not even wait for 5 weeks longer before June and visited China to see Xi in April in China? What has changed India's mind?

To jaw-jaw is always better than to war-war.
—- Winston Churchill
China needs India. India needs China. Thus, both countries keep looking to mend their fences than fight it out.
Just as India feels encircled by China, China feels encircled by the US. US has bases all over China’s east [Japan, Korea, Taiwan] and China’s relationships with its southern neighbors [Vietnam, Philippines] are not that good and marred by territorial disputes. US has a sizable influence there too. In the north, there is Russia/Mongolia with whom China has had often frosty relationships. China cannot afford yet another rival/enemy in its west too.
Thus, Xi has been in an effort to win its neighbors and reduce the tensions. China Counters Trump by Mending Fences From Japan to India
In the same way, Modi has been mending fences around the world. He enjoys great chemistry with major world leaders from Trump to Merkel to Abe to Netanyahu. Even with Pakistan, he made significant overtures in good faith [inviting Sharif to his inauguration ceremony and visiting him on his daughter’s birthday].
Unlike many hardliners at home, Modi knows how important it is for India to develop good relationships and how silly it would be to fight other countries given the monumental challenges at home.
India needs China’s approval to get into the NSG or UN Security Council. China has gone slightly hard on Pakistan recently as a result of the warming ties with India [Should Pakistan be alarmed as BFF China gets pally with India?]. We cannot afford to ignore this large a neighbor and this big an economic partner.
Modi’s critics thought he would be the big hawk fighting everywhere - whereas he has shown to be a dove building peace.
