Thursday, February 15, 2018

Time to Wake up Indians!!!

Image result for Time to Wake up 
(Image Source:

Friends, after a long time, I am sparing some time to write. Today I am not going to write on motivation or Business; Today I am going to write one true story. I would request you to read it and share as much as possible so at least we can save someone's life.

This story is about one of my friend. Just to give you some brief description about him he is an innocent guy. He likes to live life to the fullest. Moreover, he passionate about physical fitness. he loves to workout in gyms.

To talk about a very trivial yet serious incident that took place yesterday. It all happened on a cozy Sunday. Sundays remind us about relaxing, family outing, movies and it's always more to it! Like you and me this guy too was in the same zone. Off to roam around with friends and have a bit weekend fun he forgot his wallet. Well, hopefully, goodness is still alive in this world, people who found that lost wallet called him up through his license card and traced the address of my friend.As his mom came to know about that, she suggested him that he should be thankful to them and reward them as a token of gratitude. While returning the wallet they planned to go for a tea at teal stall (a renowned tea shop)among themselves. He came to know that they are going to take a tea at teal stall. So, my friend also went there.

He reached teal stall and parked his car. During that time, unfortunately, one small boy around ,4 years  hastily ran in front of his car and met with an accident. By God's grace  It was a minor one. My friend being a kind hearted person assured that he would take him to the hospital and pay for the expense too. But unfortunately, his parents and family members of that 4 years boy hit him so hard that he was unable to even scream out loud to call for help. Friends there is no doubt that when you are thrashed merciless by 20 people continuously for 20 minutes no one can escape from it! Somehow my friend managed to escape.  Fortunately, my friend managed to run out from this place. Really because of his good fortune, he is still live.

I came just today morning and came to know about this incident. When he was describing that event he told me that when that group of people thrashed him at that time around 50 people came to enjoy the scene. No one came to save him. I also can understand everyone loved their life. Because of their fear they didn’t come. But my question is that no one dialed 100 numbers and called POLICE.
I know this is the one incident. And there are many incidents happening around us.

But at least if we are unable to do something then can we informed POLICE and saved someone life. We can’t always blame others who are doing some unethical works. If we came to know about that or if something worst is happening around us then can we inform the right person i.e., POLICE and do something.

Friends, from now onwards I am taking an oath that if I come across to this type of situation then I will definitely inform POLICE and save someone life. I also request you to do the same. Please share your views in the comment…. 

Monday, February 12, 2018

How digital marketing helps in Business Growth?

Digital Marketing

Nowadays, customers can obtain any information anytime and anywhere. All thanks to the Internet and technology. Hence, it is quite vital for the business owners to remember that social media or digital platforms can heavily influence the image of their companies. Digital marketing is a process of developing brand awareness online. In the era of a digital world, Digital Marketing tools and techniques provide much-needed insights to business owners with the best chances for competition, survival and even business growth.
The Internet has evolved positively and has simplified the process of conducting business online. Owing to the technological advancements, it has opened new doors to small and medium-size enterprises to utilize the resources in enhancing the business operations. Basically, this has drastically narrowed the gap between the big industry players and small players. So, if you don’t have a result-oriented digital marketing strategy up your sleeves, it will be difficult to stay competitive in the virtual business world.
As a business owner, if you are sticking with the traditional means of marketing, it’s high time you shift to the marketing the digital way to grow and establish a strong presence on the Internet. In the era of digitalization, it is advisable to opt for this new and innovative way of marketing for the growth of your business.
Here are some reasons why your business needs an effective digital marketing strategy:
  • Cost Savings: Those dependent on traditional marketing are bound to spend more for promotional activities. Opting for digital methods have proven to be cost-effective and one can cut down promotional costs by about 40% without neglecting the end goal of marketing. This is because, as a business owner, you have multiple marketing channels to utilize and get favorable results without increasing the overall expense.
  • Greater Engagement: Social media is an integral part of a digital marketing plan and it fosters better connection with the targeted audience. It is a path aimed at reaching and segregating the audience based on their feedback, interest, and behavior to meet promotional goals. Social media channels provide valiant support in creating a client list being more specific in the promotion of products or services. When it comes to traditional ways, it is difficult to have such liberties.
  • Higher Conversion Rate: Digital marketing enjoys an edge better conversion rates over traditional marketing options. Top marketers have backed SEO, email marketing, and social media marketing to boost up the conversion. Basically, it will streamline the process of fostering effective and timely interactions with the wider audience to achieve higher conversion rates. This strategy would significantly increase the leads, sales or subscribers far more quickly.
  • Higher Profitability: Traditional way of promotion does not assure of profitable returns on the investment. While digital marketing has proven that small or large size business has experienced around 2.8 times better profit growth. This is achievable on the account of implementing apt digital marketing techniques that can lead to exceptional conversion rates. All in all, it is the fuel to take your business to another level.
  • Good Reputation: A good digital marketing strategy enables a business build up a reputation online. With a good reputation, customers are able to show more confidence in products or services offered leading to greater customer loyalty. They may eventually act as great references.
  • Mobile Customers: The digital marketing strategy focuses on reaching out to mobile users. According to a recent research, mobile devices have proven to be a vital factor in helping customers make informed decisions. Therefore, its important to plan and reach out to users by offering them valuable inputs about the products or services, deals or special offers, and more to increase the sales.
  • Building Credibility: With virtual marketing techniques, a business owner is empowered to spread the word on the social media channels in a precise manner. The customers can share their positive reviews by virtue of business social media accounts. Around 90% people show trust in a product, where their friends or close ones have recommended it. This ultimately proves to be decisive in building the right credentials to become a strong player in the industry.
In short, digital marketing strategy can act as a catalyst to enable businesses to think differently and keeping in times with the disruptions happening in the marketing world and evolve their strategies around it.
