Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Raksha Bandhan

India is known for his culture, value, ethics, tradition and rich heritage. We all are following the same. If we turn our pages back to the most revered epics of India like ramayan and mahabharat we glorify the qualities of commitment, relationship, celebrating festival, oneness and many more. Now the table turns, our commitments are more likely to be time-based like, “I will be reaching there within 5 minutes or “I will be completing my project within a day”. As far as relationships are concerned, we are satisfied by sending messages on social media instead of personal meeting.

Because of social media, we are now celebrating festivals on social media itself; enjoying online game on mobile or computers, but at the back of our minds we all know we are diminishing our culture. Now some couple of days before, there was Independence Day. The best part is that we start sending messages before 15th august through social media and when the day arrives we all prefer wearing tricolor cloths but we forget to decorate our hearts with respect and tribute for our motherland. Forget about helping the nation to reach to highest heights of success we have taken our freedom for granted to such an extent where we even forget to wish “happy Independence Day” to our people. Well, if we talk about national game of India called “kabbdi” the first picture that arises in our mind is “to pull legs” of the opposing team. It doesn’t matter even if we are not interested in the game much but we are much interested in pulling the legs of our own people when they walk one step ahead of us! Friends India needs the true Indian spirit of being a helping hand to all our people who want to go ahead in life. Today we belong to a country which promotes “BETI BACHAO, BETI PADHAO” and how much do we mean it? Even today I see people who say with a frowned face that they have got a baby girl!  Is this 21st century where we have changed the process to celebrate festival but not able to change our thoughts. It’s very debatable issue to talk, but one thing for which I am very much satisfied that we didn’t change the festival of LOVE, RELATIONSHIP, BONDING and i.e., “RAKSHABANDHAN” – UNCONDITIONAL LOVE BETWEEN BROTHER AND SISTER. Yes we still go teary eyed when we hear this beautiful melody,


Nice line written by Anand Bakshi and sung by the legend Mr. Kishore Kumar. These two lines reflect the true meaning of SISTER. “SISTER” means second face of mother who has loving and caring attitude, sometimes she also prefers to take the role of a father by scolding. We like to share our views, like to talk with her as if, she’s our one of the best friend, always motivational medicine for us, what can I say for her. Maybe I can say that we cannot describe her.

Having a SISTER is a priceless gift. A sister is great to have because no matter where you go or what you do, you will always have a best friend and mentor.
Frankly speaking, I am very emotional and sentimental; my eyes become teary whenever I see brother – sister bonding on TV/ Movie/ Real life.  I was always thinking that why I don’t have a real sister. I asked this question so many times to my mother. She always replied, remember one thing, and always think for what you have, instead of what you haven’t. Though you don’t have a real sister but you have so many cousin sisters. Try to maintain that relationship with them and make them stronger as much as possible.

Now Today I can proudly say that I am blessed with sister’s loves. And I truly agree that sister’s is the most pure and unintentional among all. Every gift that we all share during Rakshabandhan or Bhaidooj holds no value in front of a sister’s love. This Rakshabandhan festival let us share something precious and everlasting. My definition if precious and everlasting is a bit different. I believe that we can make our bonding stronger and firm when we are ready to stand up as a pillar when our sister needs it the most. We need to be brothers who support the wings of our sisters who wish to dream high. Whether I may live or die but I want to be the motivation to make my sister more positive towards life. I want to be that light which can light a burning desire in their hearts to rise above failures. Yes I aspire to become a medium through which they may know their potential and work over it to attain the respect and freedom they were born for! This article is not to support the wings that are weak but through our support we are making their strong wings stronger and even more powerful with our love towards them. So let’s celebrate this Rakshabandhan from the penury of our hearts and let’s become true brothers for whom our sisters have been waiting for!

Monday, August 15, 2016

Independence Day

15th august 1947 – the dawn which aroused hope in the tired eyes of Indians and freedom in their restless hearts. Dear friends, it’s on this day that we Indians had swayed our tiranga with pride and honor on our motherland. Even today when 15th august arrives, and I hear all those vintage songs of patriotism, I stand privileged to be an Indian. So my dear Indians before starting my article I would like to wish a very Happy Independence Day. Now we have the freedom to express our thoughts, views ideas and many more. We are now in 21st century, and world is changing drastically. If we talk about before Independence and current status then there are so many changes. Before Independence, it was very tough reach out to our relatives who are living in different area, city, and state and now because of technologies we all are just one finger away from them. Before independence it was very tough to print paper or to take a photocopy and now it’s world of 3D technology and many more revolutionary changes took place after Independence.

But there is another side of the coin too. we all want freedom, freedom of thoughts, freedom from friends, freedom from wife, freedom from Husband, freedom from family members and the most important things freedom from Parents. Parents, who teach us how to live and now we want freedom from them. India is known for it’s culture and values. Other countries are adopting our culture and ethics and unfortunately we are unknowingly forgetting the same. We really enjoy freedom where we don’t have a time for our near and dear one and especially for our parents. Can we call our nation as a free country, just think? My today’s article is not about any freedom fighter story, it’s about the reality what is going on. So, if we can take one step then I think we can also contribute something.

My today’s article’s reference is taken from Jay Vasavda’s article, who is one the best speaker and a determined writer of gujarati literature who is truly dedicated to bring a good change in this world.
We all are very emotional. Still many of us, feel sad when we see any emotional film or drama.  There was a movie, “Baghban” and there was a brilliant acting done my Mr. Amitabh Bachchan. Even today when we hear some of his dialogues we are ought to get goosebumps. In that movie, Amitabh Bachchan rightly said that “Aulad sayad ye bhul jati he ki jo hamara aaj he, vo kal unka hoga.Jo saval aaj hm kr rhe he, vo kal vo bhi puchengee….agar hm un baccho ko palpos kr bada kar skte he – jo na chal skate he, na bol skte he, na samj skte he……to hm apne aap ko bhi pal skte he! Hme kisi se koi umeed ki zrurat nhi!

This dialogue was in the movie Baghban by the legend Mr. Amitabh Bachchan with his heart touching voice.

Really, Sometimes we take our parents for granted. We all are very much busy to earn money but because of that we forget our Parents. Just try to connect the dot with this example. When we receive a call from our boss or some of our client who is about to give us a big contract and if he invites us for lunch or dinner then definitely this will be our reaction, “Thank you so much sir…..”, So nice of you, sir….It’s my pleasure…we will definitely meet.

We don’t know apart from money, in which way our boss will help us.  We are absolutely clueless whether he will be supportive when we are suffering from a dreadful disease or any other problem of our life. Just see our approach for one invitation of Lunch. And on the contrary we have our mother; suppose we are busy in some meeting at office and during that period if we received a call from our mother then these are some of the rude replies we certainly give, why you are disturbing me again and again. I will come whenever I will complete my work. Please don’t wait and don’t disturb me.
We all are playing this role in our life. That doesn’t mean we don’t love our mothers. But unfortunately we all take our parents “for granted”. We all care for others, if we denied other proposal then what he will think. We never think for our parents because we all know they never take anything personally. We can say “Thank you” to an unknown waiter but fell ashamed to say Thanks to our very own parents.

If we remove Amitabh Bachchan from “Baghban”, it seems as a “Garden without a Gardener”. In last scene of the movie, when Amitabh Bachchan delivered a speech, it was full of conviction. After 60 also, he is creating competition and is able to run his movie by himself where other heroes of his age are enjoying their retirement life. How to live our life, we can learn from Amitabh Bachchan though we are 60 plus or youngster. At this age is he is still ready to learn new things, accepting versatile role like in “PAA” movie, He is still one of the busiest actor in film industry. Because he changes his thought process and learns new things. But still there are so many parents who are not ready to adopt new things.  They always want to put their thoughts to their children. And these types of parents turn to be headache for their children and for themselves too. But all parents are not having this type of attitude. And this type of parents suffering a life like Amitabh Bachchan and Hema Malini in Baghban movie. But in that movie, there was a happy life at the end for both Amitabh and Hema but in real life it is totally different.

There are many youngsters for whom parents are a sort of burden. Presence of parents makes them feel embarrassing. It’s a human being mentality that we don’t have a value of free gifts. Because we have received it without any cost. If you want to know the value of parents then ask any orphan. An orphan wants shelter from parents where we feel suffocation from them. Just observe any husband wife who has been blessed with baby boy or girl. They are not able to sleep properly because of those small kids, always ready to change diapers and not feeling any regret. This is the life of parents. Now just imagine what are going on in today’s life. Children feel very bad to clean latrine of parents. They quickly hire one nurse to take care of them. In their old-age the only one whom they can look up to is their very own children.

Parents give their full life to develop their children where children don’t have enough time for their parents. It’s very tough to understand, when parents are living at that time we are not able to spend time with them and after their death we are crying as if we missed them and we really care. In the presence of parents all children live with nuclear family where after their death they again get united. After death, children show their love by giving condolences in News Paper. Here main question is about LOVE. Is it not possible to love them in their presence instead of giving condolences in NEWS Papers?

Dear Indians, today world is not hungry for food but hungry for love. Today India is free from British rule but not free from chains of greed, lust and fame. We are now left with celebrating Independence Day only on 15th august by watching television, listening to patriotic songs. But now it’s high time. Changing our thought process is the need of the hour. Even if one person stands up to take initiative, definitely this message will spread all over the world. When parents look after their parents they actually teach a lesson of “love” and “duty” to their children. Friends when any individual is committed to change his thoughts he is actually committed to change his world and ultimately he is going to change the world of those around him. So be a change and let others also be a part of it because it’s we who have to set a good example to be followed by our next generation. Let us celebrate this 70th Independence Day with honor for our country and love for our people.

Friday, August 12, 2016

Self Management

In today’s technological world, the most challenging task for any human is to constantly achieve “SUCCESS” year after year. We can see in our surrounding area. We have a mind set to blame others or our luck or God for not getting success. We never think why some people get success and we are not even getting a glimpse of it. There is a beautiful thought by our “missile man” late Mr. A.P.J Abdul kalam,
“You cannot change your future but
You can change your habits and
Your habits can definitely change your future.”
Successful people don’t change their future or destiny because it is not in our their hand but instead they prefer to change their habits which are under their control. Right now you might be reading this article with a big question mark in your head as to which habit I am talking to develop in this article. To give you an insight about what are you going to learn from this article is that you will be on your way to success when you run your day by the clock and life with a vision. Yes my dear friends I am talking about making friends with “time” and of course “life”! Let us move ahead with an example of world’s biggest business tycoon Mr. Mukesh Ambani.
Just think, Mr. Mukesh Ambani has only 24 hours in his watch and we also have the same, but he has attained the highest height of success and strives harder to go beyond it. He is not only successful in business world but manages to spend a good time with family. He has the ability to draw a line between his personal and professional life. In fact he has everything what money can buy and all that money can’t buy! That’s true success isn’t it? 
You might say that he must be a good friend of time or he might have the skill of managing the time well. Dear readers let me remind you that, “time and tide wait for no man”. It’s not only about managing the time well; it’s about managing your SELF well with time!
It has been said that, 
There are two big thieves in the world, i.e., 1) Our Past and 2) Our Future. And they are stealing our Present”.
Dreaming about future or regretting the past, presently we are killing our precious present and at the last stage of life we die with regrets in our mind and dissatisfaction in our hearts. Just asking you one question, why we feel regretful for our past? Why we are not managing our “self” efficiently with “time”, so at the end of the life we don’t feel the regret? Why a businessman being a father forgets to give time to his daughter who will be going to a home after her marriage? One example I like to share with you, one businessman shared that his maternal aunt played a crucial role in his life, but when he turn as a businessman at that time he was busy in his personal life and did not give a proper time to her. One day she passed away and now he feels the regret. Just I like to ask one question that why we are not giving proper time to those people who had played or are playing a crucial role in our lives? Are we only made to shed tears on the funeral of those people? 
One fine day you will be judged not by the quantity of life but by the quality of life you have lived. That day is not too far when you will not be judged by how many breaths you take but how many moments took your breath away. We don’t have our past and we cannot guarantee our future but we can live and make the best from our present. You find life in every present moment when you believe in this.
“Char din ki he zindagi , ji lo apni marji se,
Mat pachtao  baad me, ye reh gya meri galti se”.
This is so very true about life. It is today that we have in our hands and it’s our responsibility to make this today a memorable one. It is in our hands to manage our self well with time and give your best shot to every situation. And friends I am here to give you a head start on managing yourself well with time. Yes, after reading this article you will definitely be more active, responsible and of course successful! Conditions applied, if you sincerely implement it in your life.
It is rightly said that when you know the answer to the question “why”; you automatically know the answer to question “how”. Things will get simpler for you when you really know what desperately you want from life and why you want it. Take a paper and write your vision for life on it. When you know where to go only then will you be able to manage time as well as self. This will work like an engine of the train for you. Without engine your train has no destination!
Remember our old good school days. When you have to go for a picnic tomorrow how you plan things, write your requirements on paper, plan out your events with friends etc. this is called a preplanned and well organized person. Buy a brand new diary and write your plans for tomorrow in it. You can also include some thoughts in it before starting. While you plan out your tomorrows plans today you actually you are giving 10% to life today and you will be getting 90% from life tomorrow. That sounds a good investment, isn’t it?
*    Use technology: 
As a human, we know everything, but as far as implementation is concerned, we are not doing the same. As informed earlier, it’s better to use diary, but if you feel that, it’s not possible for you to maintain it then, use technology. There are many apps, which help us as a reminder or we can use Google Reminder. Google Reminder keeps us updated regularly. Suppose we have a meeting after 3 days, then we can set a command to notify before 1 day, 1 hour, 15 min. Google reminder not only helps to be punctual but also gives a proper input to our mind. We keep our minds focused on the meeting that you are about to attend.  So, it will help to reach on time and we can get the proper time to prepare also.

*    Kill notifications.  
We all know addiction is not good. As the world is changing so fast, we all are also adapting to new things. As our cell phones are converted to smart phone, we had also Modern technology has evolved to exploit our urgency addiction: E-Mail, Facebook, Twitter, Quora and more will fight to distract you constantly. Fortunately, this is easily fixed: turn off all your notifications. I don’t mind these notifications all that matters is your time to see these notifications. If you are viewing these notifications during your office hours or work or before any important event you will definitely feel distracted and would probably find it difficult to get focused on the same. The best time to view notifications is when you are ideal, during lunch break, during travelling hours or during anytime when you are idle.

*    Start your work early
If you ask any successful person what is their key secret of success, they will probably tell you one same thing – they start their day early. This means they are early birds! When you get up early, you are calm and clear headed. The silence of the dawn enables you to be focused towards your day to day activities and as you start your day early you complete your tasks before time. This increases your productivity and ultimately gives you an edge over others. So “start early” mantra will definitely help your “self” to be in sync with “time”.
*    Be Realistic
When you’ve created a plan and a schedule, it’s important to be realistic about what you can actually accomplish in a workday and prioritize accordingly. The first and the foremost rule of goal setting is to be “realistic”. You need to set your goals last night that are quiet realistic and achievable. When you do so, you automatically become a self motivator to motivate yourself to accomplish your desired goals. When you set realistic goals and when you attain the same you increase your confidence as well as your enthusiasm to be better for the next day! 
The above given points will definitely prove to be life changing ones if you truly believe and follow the same. Managing yourself effectively with time is the first step to succeed. Points given above will help you in initial phase of self management and gradually take you from the roads of personal satisfaction which ultimately lead to a successful end. Friends, remember life offers you a second chance every day, time knocks your door with new opportunity every second, but it’s you who has to have that vision and ability to recognize your hidden self and strive harder to be your best version in any situation of life.

So respect yourself before respecting time because when you respect yourself
you will definitely take a proper step for your success at proper time.